I just finished watching the excellent webinar tutorial on Quick Start. Currently I have Alfresco community (3.4c) installed with users (internal and external) logging to access documents and collaborate.
Question: if i setup a Quick start website, can I enforce that only authorized users (again both internal and external) can access it? In other words, I don't want this site to be available to the general public. Thanks!
Hi, If you mean the editorial tier i.e. the Share site, then yes. The Quick Start uses a Share site so you can restrict access in exactly the same way as you would with a regular collaboration Share site. If you mean the delivery side i.e. the web application, then no, this is not an out of the box feature. Regards, Ben.
Thanks, Ben, yes I meant the delivery (published) side. So, no way to restrict access to wcmqs to only users after they log into the Alfresco dashboard?