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Records Management installation problem

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am having trouble getting RM properly setup. These are the steps I am taking, with the results being no File Plan option under Advanced Wizard:

2.1 community version, on Windows XP. Basic Alfresco functionality is working fine.

1. Download the module into C:\alfresco\amps.
2. Extract to c:\alfresco\amps
3. Run c:\alfresco\appy_amps.bat
4. Delete the c:\alfresco\tomcat\webapps\alfresco  (folder)

After these steps, I don't have a workind RM module. I have read the AMP section on Wiki, but quite frankly, I don't get the use of the MMT. Is the apply_amps the only "build" utility I need to use? Thanks for your help!


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I think I have updated the WAR properly, but still don't see the File Plan under Advanced Wizard. I edited the apply_amps.bat file and hardcoded the directory paths and ran the command from the Java folder. That seemed to work based on the -verbose information.

I deleted the ALF_HOME\WEBAPPS\ALFRESCO folder… restarted Alfresco and saw:

07:58:49,421 WARN  [org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiRegistryFactoryBean] Could not detect RMI registry - creating new one
07:58:54,182 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Schema managed by database dialect org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect.
07:58:56,040 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] No changes were made to the schema.
07:58:57,851 WARN  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco 'dir.root' property is set to a relative path './alf_data'.  'dir.root' should be overridden to point to a specific folder.
07:58:57,851 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco root data directory ('dir.root') is: .\alf_data
07:58:58,023 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.admin.patch.PatchExecuter] Checking for patches to apply …
07:58:58,257 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] Found 1 module(s).
07:58:58,460 INFO  [org.alfresco.repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] Installing module 'org.alfresco.module.RecordsManagement' version 1.3.
07:59:40,548 INFO  [org.alfresco.service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco JVM - v1.5.0_12-b04; maximum heap size 493.063MB
07:59:40,548 WARN  [org.alfresco.service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco JVM - WARNING - maximum heap size 493.063MB is less than recommended 512MB
07:59:40,548 INFO  [org.alfresco.service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco started (Community Network): Current version 2.1.0 (482) schema 64 - Installed version 2.1.0 (482) schema 64

which seems to say that the RM module is loaded ok.  Yet still no File Plans… any ideas? Thanks!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
On further inspection… there is now a Records Space created populated by DOD doc's and other spaces… so that is good. But no File Plan option with I go to create a new Space from the Wizard.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Any chance someone can offer any ideas? I am at a loss. I have tried several fresh installs, but am certainly just repeating the problem.

I really can't spend much more time with this. The RM module is important, and I am trying to give my office an open source option to the Lazerfiche folks blowing costly smoke up their, er, well, you know…

Help? Thanks!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok… at the risk of public embarasment. I was reading the 1.4 ver instructions for accessing the File Plans, not the 2.0. Everything is actualy working properly!

Well, one good thing from this: I have really plowed through the configuration files and learned a good deal about the system in an effort to solve a non-problem. I only post this incase some other poor smuck has made the same mistake.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I am having the same problem …

i m trying to run the record management.amp file in alfresco 3.0 (Windows xp)
so when i put the alfresco-recordsmanagement.amp file in ../alfresco/amps folder and when i executed the apply_amps.bat file it showed me the following result

This script will apply all the AMPs in C:\Alfresco\amps to the alfresco.war file in C:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps
Press control-c to stop this script . . .
Press any key to continue . . .
Module managment tool available commands:

install: Installs a AMP file(s) into an Alfresco WAR file, updates if an older version is already installed.
usage:   install <AMPFileLocation> <WARFileLocation> [options]
valid options:
   -verbose   : enable verbose output
   -directory : indicates that the amp file location specified is a directory.
                All amp files found in the directory and its sub directories are installed.
   -force     : forces installation of AMP regardless of currently installed module version
   -preview   : previews installation of AMP without modifying WAR file
   -nobackup  : indicates that no backup should be made of the WAR


list:  Lists all the modules currently installed in an Alfresco WAR file.
usage: list <WARFileLocation>


Module 'org.alfresco.module.RecordsManagement' installed in 'C:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\alfresco.war'
   -    Title:        Records Management
   -    Version:      1.3
   -    Install Date: Wed Dec 03 11:17:02 GMT+05:30 2008
   -    Desription:   Alfresco Record Management Extension
About to clean out tomcat/webapps/alfresco directory and temporary files…
Press any key to continue . . .

Then i deleted the /tomcat/webapps/alfresco folder and when i restarted the server it showed me like this

13:09:11,578 UserSmiley Frustratedystem INFO  [repo.admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco root data directory ('dir.root') is: C:\Alfresco\alf_data
13:09:11,671 UserSmiley Frustratedystem INFO  [admin.patch.PatchExecuter] Checking for patches to apply …
13:09:12,265 UserSmiley Frustratedystem INFO  [admin.patch.PatchExecuter] No patches were required.
13:09:12,281 UserSmiley Frustratedystem INFO  [repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] Found 1 module(s).
13:09:12,421 UserSmiley Frustratedystem INFO  [repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] Starting module 'org.alfresco.module.RecordsManagement' version 1.3.

13:09:13,531 UserSmiley Frustratedystem ERROR [alfresco.smb.protocol] Error accessing Win32 NetBIOS, check DLL is on the path
13:09:14,843 UserSmiley Frustratedystem WARN  [alfresco.util.OpenOfficeConnectionTester] An initial OpenOffice connection could not be established.
13:09:14,906 UserSmiley Frustratedystem INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco JVM - v1.5.0_08-b03; maximum heap size 506.313MB

so according to the It will automatically create one space called Records Space under Company Home space ..

and that space is not created in my case so anybody know what is the problem, why the space is not created
any idea about it plz help me  Smiley Indifferent  (nd i m using Alfresco 3.0)

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Same problem with records management on Alfresco Labs 3.0.  Using a CentOS5 system with Alfresco compiled from SVN.  Records management module (version 1.3) also built from svn.  The logs say that the records management module is loaded, but the records space is not created and neither are the templates.  This is making it hard to evaluate the product.  Any ideas?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Looks like a regression may have been introduced around the RM module for Labs 3.0. For evaluations specifically of Records Management, I'd recommend using a v2.1 install for now.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
in Alfresco 3.0 Labs final the problem persists 😞

Looks like the alfresco-mmt.jar does not "recognize" the install command.
>sudo java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ./amps /opt/Alfresco/tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war -directory
Module managment tool available commands:

install: Installs a AMP file(s) into an Alfresco WAR file, updates if an older version is already installed.
usage:   install <AMPFileLocation> <WARFileLocation> [options]
valid options:
   -verbose   : enable verbose output
   -directory : indicates that the amp file location specified is a directory.
                All amp files found in the directory and its sub directories are installed.
   -force     : forces installation of AMP regardless of currently installed module version
   -preview   : previews installation of AMP without modifying WAR file
   -nobackup  : indicates that no backup should be made of the WAR


list:  Lists all the modules currently installed in an Alfresco WAR file.
usage: list <WARFileLocation>


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am encountering the same problem.I have followed the steps specified above for alfresco labs-3.0.Its is showing me that the records management module has been successfully integrated but it is not showing the Records Space under Company Home.

Please Help….