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Re-synchronize all LDAP Alfresco

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
my LDAP synchronisation of alfresco is already done, but some entries are missing
then i added new attributes to LDAP synchronisation of alfresco,
but the changes are operated only when someone changes something in the Active Directory

i want to apply the synchronisation for all users form alfresco without changing something in the AD.

This is my `` file:

       ## Common Alfresco Properties #




      ### database connection properties ###

      #———————————————>  debut modif

      ### E-mail site invitation setting ###


      ### LDAP Integration ###
                synchronization.import.cron=0 0/10 9-18 ? * MON-FRI
      ldap.synchronization.groupSearchBase=ou\=Institut erasme,dc\=erasme,dc=be
      ldap.synchronization.userSearchBase=ou\=Institut erasme,dc=\erasme,dc=be

      ################# ATTRIBUTE MAPPING #############
      #### mapping to unique username in username attribute###

      ##————————-FIN DE LA MODIFICATION

      ### FTP Server Configuration ###

      ### RMI service ports ###

      ### External executable locations ###


      ### Initial admin password ###

      ### E-mail site invitation setting ###

      ### License location ###

      ### Solr indexing ###

      ### BPM Engine ###

thank you for your help

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Your prop synchronization.synchronizeChangesOnly=false so differential sync is disabled. So Scheduled job is already running in full mode.

anyway, other option to run full sync -