08-01-2008 04:53 PM
08-05-2008 11:01 PM
08-06-2008 08:10 AM
08-07-2008 05:47 AM
I think your path is "/app:company_home/app:user_homes/cm:alessandro" or similar (replace your name with your username).
08-07-2008 12:39 PM
Failed to resolve to a single NodeRef with parameters (store=workspacepacesStore uuid=null path=/app:company_home/app:user_homes/cm:cynthia), found 0 nodes.
08-08-2008 02:51 AM
Failed to resolve to a single NodeRef with parameters (store=workspacepacesStore uuid=null path=/app:company_home/app:user_homes/cm:cynthia), found 0 nodes.
08-08-2008 10:05 AM
ParentReference rootHomeParent = new ParentReference(
ParentReference yearHomeParent = new ParentReference(
rootHomeParent.getPath() + "/cm:" + theYear,
Constants.createQNameString(biModel.NAMESPACE_BI_CONTENT_MODEL, docName)
"/app:company_home/app:user_homes/cm:" + theYear
08-08-2008 12:35 PM
i would also look in the properties of that content, there you will find the correct name (via an Repository Service query, or just through the web client)
08-10-2008 07:30 AM
How I see the the correct path by web client? I open the detail of file, but not see the path (only "Location", but it's not the path to query find).
08-13-2008 09:12 AM
the sequence of spaces you clicked through,Doesn't work for me I guess.. unless I am really doing something wrong in my code.
that´s the path to that space you wish (don´t forget the prefixe when addressing an space in the code)
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