I installed Alfresco Community Edition on a server with Ubuntu 14.10 on a VPS from Digital Ocean, after the installation it worked fine, without any problem; I installed it over a LAMP Server with Sentora.
I turn off the server using the terminal to create a snapshot; and when I turn on it I couldn’t access to the Alfresco Service using my web browser, I don’t know why and I don’t know how to fix it.
I tried to restart the Alfresco with: ./alfresco.sh stop.
Well, with Digital Ocean I can create a backup as an Image, to do this I have to turn off the server, to do it I used "sudo shutdown -h now", after turn on again the server Alfresco didn't run, I tried ./alfresco.sh start, ./alfresco.sh restart, ./alfresco.sh stop and ./alfresco.sh start; but I couln'd reestablish the service; any other idea what I can do?
Do ./alfresco.sh start on the command line. When you do what does it say? If nothing, look for alfresco.log (usually in /var/alfresco/logs) or failing that catalina.out usually in /var/alfresco/tomcat/logs and see what it says in there.