08-11-2006 04:15 PM
AuthenticationUtils.startSession(user, pwd);
Store store = new Store(StoreEnum.workspace, "SpacesStore");
Reference reference = new Reference(store,uuid,null);
Predicate predicate = new Predicate(new Reference[]{reference}, store, null);
RepositoryServiceSoapBindingStub repositoryService = WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService();
//At this line it is not able to get the nodes.
*** Node[] nodes = repositoryService.get(predicate);
ContentServiceSoapBindingStub contentService = WebServiceFactory.getContentService();
Content[] readResult = contentService.read(predicate,Constants.PROP_CONTENT);
fileName = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()+".out";
File filePath = new File(dirName,fileName);
08-13-2006 02:49 AM
08-16-2006 08:28 AM
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