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Pre-configured 'menu' (GUI) with login

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I want to build a kind of "startup GUI" where the first thing a person/member sees is a login page, and when logged in he/she can see a number of projects he/she is member of and when/if there has been documentation added or changed in these projects.

The startup page, for a person/member would then be a login page, and then a page showing the above mentioned.

Is this possible to build in the Web Client (with scripts) or does this have to be "hardcoded" in some way in the C++/Java source code?

When changing version of Alfresco (from 1.4 to 2.0 for example) does these modifications (if possible to build) disappear or are they version controlled in the system?

(I apologize if these questions seems confusing but if someone has a interrest in responding I'll try to express it a bit better, I'm quite a n00b concerning Alfresco but I've been coding C++ and Java middleware solutions so I have a somewhat good understanding of the development process).


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The Dashboards feature available in Alfresco 1.4/2.0 might be want you want here. You can configure new dashboard pages and layouts (and replace the default Getting Started dashlet). By default the Getting Started dashlet is what a user sees after login in the Alfresco web-client.

Most of Alfresco can be configured and extended without modifying the core code. We have an extensions mechaism that means you can place files and code in a location that will not be affected if you upgrade the main server.

Hope this helps,


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you for your answer.

I realize I'm in my n00b stage regarding Alfresco and I definitely need more experience with the product to be able to judge if it is possible for us to host a solution with several customers/instances that are separated by login.
