Hi All,
I deployed Parallel review and approve worklflow using activiti in alfresco 4.2c.
It gets deployed successfully(File used showing the message below:
Deploy command : deploy activiti alfresco/extension/parallel-review.bpmn20.xml
Last command: deploy activiti alfresco/extension/parallel-review.bpmn20.xml
Duration: 302ms
deployed definition id: activiti$activitiParallelReview:19:3228 , name: activiti$activitiParallelReview , title: Parallel Review And Approve , version: 19
definition: activiti$activitiParallelReview:19:3228 , name: Parallel Review And Approve , version: 19
workflow: None
path: None
However its not showing up in the drop down of workflows?
I checked its not hidden.Any idea what could be missing???