I have spent sometime on AAAR installation and customization to make it works for my client's alfresco production. Thanks for the contribution of this great audit report extension. And, kindly help to solve my environment issues.
Now the AAAR runs well on a single cloud host server with <strong>8GB memory</strong> sharing with alfresco and pentaho. I know that 8GB is limited for nowadays IT production especially for ECM and BI applications. But I try to optimize the JVM heap size setting for these three processes as below
tomcat server: 6GB (shared by alfresco dm, share and pentaho)
pentaho data integrator (kettle): 512mb by default
Production works well with this settings mostly.However, I want to know if it is helpful to increase data integrator heap size when extracting data from alfresco and make the report generating faster? Could anyone here have some experience to share how to manage memory usage for alfresco, pentaho and data extraction in single server?