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No Actions in RM

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Everybody. I'm new in this forum and in alfresco. So hi again to all.

And now my problem:
First i customize my share document adding using new model (i'm looking in Records Management book from Pakt).
Everything seems to work fine. I add documents to share, and i can change category (every category has it's own metadata).
BUT, when i move documents adding like that to Records Management file plan, i can't see any actions. I see metadata, but no actions availble (i see text "actions" but without any positions (like edit metadata). What's wrong?

Best regards!

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok, you're right:
I use mac version of alfresco - 3.4.d (for testing. production enviroment is on linux).

Explorer and Share work fine

here is my log

here is my tvrModel.xml wchich i upload now (for testing) by Dictionary/model

here is changes in my files:

* Custom content types
function getContentTypes()
   // TODO: Data webscript call to return list of available types
   var contentTypes = [
   { id: "cm:content", value: "type.cm_content" },
   { id: "tvr:zFaktura", value: "type.tvr_zFaktura" },
   { id: "tvr:nFaktura", value: "type.tvr_nFaktura" },
   { id: "tvr:pFaktura", value: "type.tvr_pFaktura" },
   { id: "tvr:zTrans", value: "type.tvr_zTrans" },
   { id: "tvr:nTrans", value: "type.tvr_nTrans" },
   { id: "tvr:zUmo", value: "type.tvr_zUmo" },
   { id: "tvr:nUmo", value: "type.tvr_nUmo" },
   { id: "tvr:prUmo", value: "type.tvr_prUmo" }

   return contentTypes;

model.contentTypes = getContentTypes();


header.singleUpload=Upload File
header.multiUpload=Upload File(s)
header.singleUpdate=Update File

label.browse=Select file(s) to upload
label.multiUploadTip=Use CTRL or SHIFT to select multiple files
label.singleUpdateTip=Click icon to upload a new version of {0}
label.noFiles=No files to display, click icon to select file(s) to upload
label.noFlash=You need a Flash Player of version 9.0.45 to use this component. You can download the latest version of Flash Player from the \
  <a href="">Adobe Flash Player Download Center</a>.
label.failure.413=Failure: Quota exceeded
button.upload=Upload File(s)
label.uploadStatus=Status: {0}/{1} uploaded ({2} failed)
message.cancelStatus=Upload(s)cancelled; {0} file(s) uploaded
message.zeroByteFileSelected=You selected file {0}. It is 0b in size and cannot be uploaded.
message.flashError.title=Flash Communication Error
message.flashError.message=The browser cannot communicate with the Flash Uploader. You can continue to upload in single-file mode, or refresh the page to restart Flash.

section.version=Version Information
label.version=This version has:
label.minorVersion=minor changes
label.majorVersion=major changes
label.minorVersion.more=minor changes ({0})
label.majorVersion.more=major changes ({0})


type.tvr_generalDoc=Dokumenty TVR
type.tvr_finDoc=Dokumenty Finansowe
type.tvr_transDoc=Dokumenty Transportowe

type.tvr_zFaktura=Faktury Zewn.
type.tvr_nFaktura=Faktury Nasze
type.tvr_pFaktura=Faktury ProForma
type.tvr_zTrans=Listy Przewozowe Zewn.
type.tvr_nTrans=Listy Przewozowe Nasze
type.tvr_zUmo=Umowy Zewn.
type.tvr_nUmo=Umowy Nasze
type.tvr_prUmo=Umowy Pracownicze


   <!– Repository Library config section –>
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="RepositoryLibrary" replace="true">
         Whether the link to the Repository Library appears in the header component or not.

    <!– Document Library config section –>
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocumentLibrary" replace="true">
            <type name="cm:content">
                <subtype name="tvr:generalDoc" />
            <type name="tvr:generalDoc">
                <subtype name="tvr:zFaktura" />
                <subtype name="tvr:nFaktura" />
                <subtype name="tvr:pFaktura" />
                <subtype name="tvr:zTrans" />
                <subtype name="tvr:nTrans" />
                <subtype name="tvr:zUmo" />
                <subtype name="tvr:nUmo" />
                <subtype name="tvr:prUmo" />
            <type name="cm:folder">
   <!– TVR creation forms –>
               <css src="/custom/form/tvr.css" />
   <config evaluator="node-type" condition="tvr:zFaktura">
               <edit-form template="/2-column-edit-form.ftl" />
                   <hide id="sys:node-uuid" />
                   <hide id="sys:store-protocol" />
                   <hide id="sys:store-identifier" />
                   <hide id="sys:node-dbid" />
                   <hide id="cm:created" />
                   <hide id="cm:creator" />
                   <hide id="cm:modified" />
                   <hide id="cm:modifier" />
                   <hide id="cm:accessed" />
                   <hide id="cm:contains" />
                   <hide id="rma:identifier" />
                   <hide id="rma:dbUniquenessId" />
                   <show id="cm:name" />
                   <show id="cm:title" force="true" />
                   <show id="cm:description" force="true" />
                   <show id="mimetype" for-mode="view" />
                   <show id="cm:author" force="true" />
                   <show id="tvr:zFakSprzedawca" />
                   <show id="tvr:zFakNumer" />
                   <show id="tvr:zFakKwota" />
                   <show id="tvr:zFakDataWyst" />
                   <show id="tvr:zFakPlatneDo" />
                   <show id="tvr:zFakCzyZapl" />
                   <show id="tvr:zFakDataZapl" />
                   <set id="Faktury" appearance="bordered-panel" label="Faktury Zewnętrzne" />
                   <field id="tvr:zFakSprzedawca" set="Faktury" />
                   <field id="tvr:zFakNumer" set="Faktury" />
                   <field id="tvr:zFakKwota" set="Faktury" />
                   <field id="tvr:zFakDataWyst" set="Faktury" />
                   <field id="tvr:zFakPlatneDo" set="Faktury" />
                   <field id="tvr:zFakCzyZapl" set="Faktury" />
                   <field id="tvr:zFakCzyZapl" set="Faktury" />
                   <field id="tvr:zFakDataZapl" set="Faktury" />
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Remote">
            <name>Alfresco - unauthenticated access</name>
            <description>Access to Alfresco Repository WebScripts that do not require authentication</description>

            <name>Alfresco - user access</name>
            <description>Access to Alfresco Repository WebScripts that require user authentication</description>

            <name>Alfresco Feed</name>
            <description>Alfresco Feed - supports basic HTTP authentication via the EndPointProxyServlet</description>


For testing i use only one node-type
2-columns ftl is from


type.tvr_generalDoc=Dokumenty TVR
type.tvr_finDoc=Dokumenty Finansowe
type.tvr_transDoc=Dokumenty Transportowe

type.tvr_zFaktura=Faktury Zewn.
type.tvr_nFaktura=Faktury Nasze
type.tvr_pFaktura=Faktury ProForma
type.tvr_zTrans=Listy Przewozowe Zewn.
type.tvr_nTrans=Listy Przewozowe Nasze
type.tvr_zUmo=Umowy Zewn.
type.tvr_nUmo=Umowy Nasze
type.tvr_prUmo=Umowy Pracownicze


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

    <bean id="webscripts.resources"
        <property name="resourceBundles">


type.tvr_generalDoc=Dokumenty TVR
type.tvr_finDoc=Dokumenty Finansowe
type.tvr_transDoc=Dokumenty Transportowe

type.tvr_zFaktura=Faktury Zewn.
type.tvr_nFaktura=Faktury Nasze
type.tvr_pFaktura=Faktury ProForma
type.tvr_zTrans=Listy Przewozowe Zewn.
type.tvr_nTrans=Listy Przewozowe Nasze
type.tvr_zUmo=Umowy Zewn.
type.tvr_nUmo=Umowy Nasze
type.tvr_prUmo=Umowy Pracownicze

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
A little bit news to this topic: When i go to details of failed position metadata looks realy strange:

Addressee: (None)
Name: ceny paula.doc
rma:recordSearchDispositionInstructions: (None)
Kwota Faktury: (None)
Data Zapłaty Faktury: (None)
Other Addressee: (None)
rma:recordSearchDispositionActionName: (None)
rma:recordSearchVitalRecordReviewPeriod: none
Date Filed: So 30 lip 2011
Czy Faktura Została Zapłacona?: No
Database uniqueness id: (None)
rma:recordSearchHoldReason: (None)
Odbiorca Faktury: (None)
Numer Faktury: (None)
rma:recordSearchDispositionPeriodExpression: (None)
rma:recordSearchDispositionActionAsOf: (None)
Location: (None)
Publication Date: (None)
rma:recordSearchDispositionAuthority: (None)
Description: (None)
Creator: admin
Modifier: admin
Originating Organization: (None)
Record Component Identifier: 2011-0000002173
rma:recordSearchDispositionPeriod: (None)
Format: (None)
Media Type: (None)
rma:recordSearchVitalRecordReviewPeriodExpression: (None)
Date Received: (None)
rma:recordSearchHasDispositionSchedule: Yes
rma:recordSearchDispositionEventsEligible: No
Last Accessed Date: (None)
Title: ceny paula.doc
Author: Asia Dobraczyńska
Modified Date: Pn 01 sie 2011 11:27:43
Data Wystawienia: (None)
Created Date: Wt 19 lip 2011 19:40:19
Originator: (None)
rma:recordSearchDispositionEvents: (None)
Encoding: utf-8
Mimetype: application/msword
Size: 31744
Jakas metadata: (None)
Supplemental Marking List: (None)
rmDeclared: No
rmRecordType: Record
rmCategoryIdentifier: 2011-0000002976
rmDispositionInstructions: (None)

Maybe this help.

best regards.