02-28-2007 12:01 PM
02-28-2007 01:28 PM
02-28-2007 06:38 PM
02-28-2007 06:41 PM
02-28-2007 07:05 PM
02-28-2007 07:20 PM
04-16-2007 08:02 AM
To upload all assets within a folder, you can zip the folder up and then use the Bulk Import option under the Create menu.
04-16-2007 11:44 AM
update alf_node_properties set string_value='How to create a simulation model' where qname='{http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}description' and node_id=1870;
select distinct max(node_id), string_value from alf_node_properties
where string_value like '200-0001.htm'
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