Hi all again,
I have been trying to delete a "Dynamic Models" configuration and seems that I've finally found how.
I would like to discuss it with you if in this way, data could be lost (though apparently not the case) and if there is another way to do it.
These are the steps:
1. Download the web-client-config-custom.xml of Data Dictionary space and then, delete it from space. If exist other web-client-config-custom.xml files that use types and aspects defined in the Dynamic Model delete them too.
2. Reload in the Web Client Config Admin Console.
3. Update customModel.xml file in the folder "Data Dictionary" (Dynamic Model configuration) by another file, exampleModel.xml, with different uri and with types and aspects which are not being used in a file web-client-config-custom.xml
4. Disable Dynamic Model flag in the properties of file.
5. Delete the file.
6. Stop Alfresco
7. Modify custom-model-context.xml to add the path file customModel.xml in the folder shared/classes/alfresco/extension/.
8. Start Alfresco
9. Upload again the web-client-config-custom.xml to Data Dictionary space.
10. Reload in the Web Client Config Admin Console.
Now, the Dynamic Model configuration is disable and the metadata are defined in the customModel.xml in the folder shared/classes/alfresco/extension/. This metadata definition can be change and metadatas of contents are updated according to changes.
Is it a good way to do this? Do you see any problem in that?
Thanks a lot in advance