04-27-2011 06:59 AM
04-28-2011 07:23 AM
04-28-2011 10:46 AM
var info = '<h3><a href="' + $siteURL('task-edit?taskId=' + taskId + '&referrer=tasks&myTasksLinkBack=true') + '" class="theme-color-1" title="' + this.msg("link.editTask") + '">' + message + '</a></h3>';
info += '<div class="due"><label>' + this.msg("label.due") + ':</label><span>' + (dueDate ? Alfresco.util.formatDate(dueDate, "longDate") : this.msg("label.none")) + '</span></div>';
info += '<div class="status"><label>' + this.msg("label.status") + ':</label><span>' + status + '</span></div>';
I tried to change this code in both the files task-list.js and task-list-min.js and restarted the server.04-28-2011 11:57 AM
02-18-2014 12:01 PM
renderCellTaskInfo: function MyTasks_onReady_renderCellTaskInfo(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData)
var data = oRecord.getData(),
desc = "";
if (data.isInfo)
desc += '<div class="empty"><h3>' + data.title + '</h3>';
desc += '<span>' + data.description + '</span></div>';
alert("data obj:"+Object.keys(data.properties));
var taskId = data.id,
message = data.properties["bpm_description"],
dueDateStr = data.properties["bpm_dueDate"],
dueDate = dueDateStr ? Alfresco.util.fromISO8601(dueDateStr) : null,
today = new Date(),
type = data.title,
status = data.properties["bpm_status"],
customAction= data.properties["mywf_customProperty"];
assignee = data.owner;
// if there is a property label available for the status use that instead
if (data.propertyLabels && Alfresco.util.isValueSet(data.propertyLabels["bpm_status"], false))
status = data.propertyLabels["bpm_status"];
// if message is the same as the task type show the <no message> label
if (message == type)
message = this.msg("workflow.no_message");
var href;
if (data.isEditable)
href = $siteURL('task-edit?taskId=' + taskId + '&referrer=tasks') + '" class="theme-color-1" title="' + this.msg("title.editTask");
href = $siteURL('task-details?taskId=' + taskId + '&referrer=tasks') + '" class="theme-color-1" title="' + this.msg("title.viewTask");
alert("lastAction: "+lastAction);
var messageDesc = '<h3><a href="' + href + '">' + $html(message) + '</a></h3>',
dateDesc = dueDate ? '<h4><span class="' + (today > dueDate ? "task-delayed" : "") + '" title="' +
this.msg("title.dueOn", Alfresco.util.formatDate(dueDate, "longDate")) + '">' + Alfresco.util.formatDate(dueDate, "longDate") + '</span></h4>' : "",
statusDesc = '<div title="' + this.msg("title.taskSummary", type, status) + '">' + this.msg("label.taskSummary", type, status) + '</div>',
unassignedDesc = '', customAction='<div title="title">'+this.msg("title.taskSummary", customAction)+'</div>';
if (!assignee || !assignee.userName)
unassignedDesc = '<span class="theme-bg-color-5 theme-color-5 unassigned-task">' + this.msg("label.unassignedTask") + '</span>';
desc = messageDesc + dateDesc + statusDesc + unassignedDesc + customAction;
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