08-05-2016 07:15 AM
08-08-2016 08:32 AM
08-05-2016 10:55 AM
08-08-2016 01:17 AM
08-08-2016 02:32 AM
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Search">
<!– default minimum length for search terms –>
<!– default maximum number of results for a search –>
<!– default maximum number of results for user search –>
<!– Repository search configuration option –>
The 'repository-search' config element value can be one of:
none - disable repository wide search option
context - search depending on current context, including repository, all sites, current site (default)
always - always search full repository no matter what the context, disables search context options
always-options - always search full repository no matter what the context, still shows the search context options
default option to display filter pane. Override if solr1 is used.
<!– sorting fields and labels –>
The 'sort' config element contains the name of the content model field
to sort against and can be of the form:
. Short QName string e.g. "cm:name"
. Pseudo cm:content field starting with a "." e.g. ".size"
. Any other valid sortable fts-alfresco special field e.g. "TYPE"
The field can be optionally followed by |true or |false to indicate sort direction,
where true = ascending, false = descending
The element supports the following optional attributes:
label = label text to display
labelId = I18N message id of label text to display
isSortable = true or false for if the field contains sortable data
<sort labelId="search.sort.relevance" isSortable="false"/>
<sort labelId="label.name" isSortable="true">cm:name</sort>
<sort labelId="label.title" isSortable="true">cm:title</sort>
<sort labelId="label.description" isSortable="false">cm:description</sort>
<sort labelId="label.author" isSortable="false">cm:author</sort>
<sort labelId="label.modifier" isSortable="true">cm:modifier</sort>
<sort labelId="label.modified" isSortable="true">cm:modified|false</sort>
<sort labelId="label.creator" isSortable="true">cm:creator</sort>
<sort labelId="label.created" isSortable="true">cm:created|false</sort>
<sort labelId="search.sort.size" isSortable="true">.size|true</sort>
<sort labelId="search.sort.mimetype" isSortable="true">.mimetype</sort>
<sort labelId="search.sort.type" isSortable="true">TYPE</sort>
08-08-2016 03:49 AM
as <repository-search>none</repository-search>
09-15-2016 11:46 AM
The configuration you're referring to here relates to pre-5.0 versions of Share. Changing this configuration won't solve the problem. See the answers further down for the correct solution.
08-08-2016 04:18 AM
<#assign searchconfig=config.scoped['Search']['search']>
<div id="${el}-body" class="search">
<#assign context=searchconfig.getChildValue('repository-search')!"context">
<#if searchQuery?length == 0 && context != "always">
<div class="search-sites">
<span <#if context == "none">class="hidden"</#if>><a id="${el}-repo-link" href="#" <#if searchRepo>class="bold"</#if>>${msg('message.repository')}</a></span><#if context != "none"> |</#if>
<a id="${el}-all-sites-link" href="#" <#if searchAllSites && !searchRepo>class="bold"</#if>>${msg('message.allsites')}</a>
<#if siteId?length != 0>| <a id="${el}-site-link" href="#" <#if !searchAllSites && !searchRepo>class="bold"</#if>>${msg('message.singlesite', siteTitle)?html}</a></#if>
08-08-2016 05:00 AM
08-08-2016 05:15 AM
08-08-2016 05:39 AM
Find what you came for
We want to make your experience in Hyland Connect as valuable as possible, so we put together some helpful links.