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Lucene query with extact phase?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I want to find with Lucene a node with a property. Exactly with this text. I'm using Alfresco 4.2 and the Alfresco Java API.

For example, imagine I have in Alfresco 2 nodes with my velocity_number property. One with the value "A B" and the other with the value "A B C".

On my webscript, I do this:

SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();
ResultSet results = getSearchService().query(myQuery);

where myQuery is:      

PATH: "//app:company_home/app:user_homes/cm:dir//." AND @own\:velocity_number:"A B"

This query returns me the 2 nodes, "A B" and "A B C". I don't want this, I  only want "A B" node.

I thank that the solution was add an "=" character on the query, like this:

PATH: "//app:company_home/app:user_homes/cm:dir//." AND =@own\:velocity_number:"A B"

But don't find anything, the results is 0.

How is the query to find that I want?

If I do the same with the Node Browser of the Administration Console (with Lucene search) the same… 0 results. The character "=" only works for me if and find 1 result if I put the query on the Search combo on the Alfresco Explorer (advanced search).



Oh,ok. I think that I see the problem… In our desalModel.xml, all the properties that we added have the
<index enabled="true">
. SOLR use this desalModel, because of this, we can find those properties. I understand that we should only put enabled true on the properties that we want to find when use the searchService.query().

I use Alfresco share 4.2 with SOLR, and use fts-alfresco language on the query because I use the "=" to find exact results.

I want to be sure that when me call to searchService.query() with LANGUAGE_FTS_ALFRESCO I use the index and not the database, for a better performance and speed. In conclusion… If I put index enabled=true on the A property, and I use searchService.query() with LANGUAGE_FTS_ALFRESCO to find this A property, I will be use the index to search the property and not the database?

And if you know, for curiosity… What is LANGUAGE_SOLR_FTS_ALFRESCO? I must use it if I have SOLR?

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
1.In model definition , property is indexed by default ,so if you have not set enabled="false" explicitly ,it will be indexed.
2. Property definition has nothing do to with whether to search in index or search in db ,it is controlled by "solr.query.cmis.queryConsistency" parameter in not exist,you can add it).If you set "solr.query.cmis.queryConsistency" to "EVENTUAL" ,it will search index first,but you run the risk of finding nothing.
3.Language SOLR_FTS_ALFRESCO has the same effect as language FTS_ALFRESCO in solr subystem.

Oks! Perfect. Thank you very much! Smiley Happy