06-13-2016 01:18 PM
06-14-2016 04:19 AM
06-14-2016 10:17 AM
if (response.response && response.response.status === 401)
if (config.isLogout) {
if (typeof config.logoutCallback === "function")
callbackScope = (config.logoutCallbackScope ? config.logoutCallbackScope : (config.callbackScope ? config.callbackScope : _this));
config.logoutCallback.call(callbackScope, response, config);
var redirect = response.response.getHeader("Location");
if (redirect)
window.location.href = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + redirect;
doLogout: function alfresco_services_LogoutService__doLogout() {
method: "POST",
url: Alfresco.constants.URL_PAGECONTEXT + "dologout",
isLogout: true,
logoutCallback: function() {
if (Alfresco.constants.CAS_SERVER_LOGOUT_URL) {
window.location.href = Alfresco.constants.CAS_SERVER_LOGOUT_URL;
callbackScope: this
<@markup id="alfrescoConstants">
<@inlineScript group="template-common">
<!– Alfresco web framework constants –>
Alfresco.constants = Alfresco.constants || {};
Alfresco.constants.CAS_SERVER_URL = "${casServerUrl}";
Alfresco.constants.CAS_SERVER_LOGOUT_URL = "${casServerLogoutUrl}";
// model items required by resources template
model.preferences = preferences.value;
model.casServerUrl = MyappnameShareConfiguration.getCasServerUrl();
model.casServerLogoutUrl = MyappnameShareConfiguration.getCasServerLogoutUrl();
<bean id="presentationJavascriptCompatibleConfiguration" parent="baseScriptExtension"
<property name="extensionName" value="MyappnameShareConfiguration" /> <!– This defines the name of the javascript object which will be accessible in the webscripts –>
<property name="casServerUrl" value="${casServerUrl}" />
<property name="casServerLogoutUrl" value="${casServerLogoutUrl}" />
package my.company.myappname.config;
import org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.processor.BaseProcessorExtension;
public class PresentationJavascriptCompatibleConfiguration extends BaseProcessorExtension {
private String casServerUrl;
private String casServerLogoutUrl;
public String getCasServerUrl() {
return this.casServerUrl;
public void setCasServerUrl(String casServerUrl) {
this.casServerUrl = casServerUrl;
public String getCasServerLogoutUrl() {
return this.casServerLogoutUrl;
public void setCasServerLogoutUrl(String casServerLogoutUrl) {
this.casServerLogoutUrl = casServerLogoutUrl;
09-26-2016 09:16 AM
You can just change the Aikau HEADER_USER_MENU_LOGOUT as shown below (share-header.get.js)
var logoutItem = widgetUtils.findObject(model.jsonModel, "id", "HEADER_USER_MENU_LOGOUT");
if (logoutItem != null)
logoutItem.config.targetUrl += "?redirectURL=";
logoutItem.config.targetUrl += "https://my.company.cas.serverort/cas/logout";
logoutItem.config.targetUrl += "&redirectURLQueryKey=service&";
logoutItem.config.targetUrl += "redirectURLQueryValue=https://my.company.server/";
Of course this does have the redirect locations hard-coded rather than in alfresco-global.properties but it looks like you're able to deal with that.
Note that this will only work for 4.2 (as will your code)
(See GitHub - wrighting/alfresco-cas: A project designed to show how to integrate Alfresco with CAS singl... for details of later versions)
09-26-2016 10:32 AM
Dear Mr. Wrighting,
Will the "redirectURL" parameter make sure that Alfresco will first perform a normal Alfresco logout (clearing of Alfresco session cookies) and it will then do a redirect to my specified URL?
09-26-2016 11:03 AM
Yes, it will.
The 3 redirect parameters get used in the Surf Logout servlet so it logs out of Alfresco first then uses those 3 parameters to construct the URL to forward to.
09-26-2016 11:47 AM
That is very good to know, thank you.
I could not find any information like that in the Alfresco Share documentation, nor in the forums.
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