09-10-2009 09:18 PM
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/breadcrumb/edit.get.desc.xm
l due to error: 08110003 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/breadcrumb/edit.get.config.xml in remote sto
re: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/breadcrumb/edit.post.desc.x
ml due to error: 08110004 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/breadcrumb/edit.post.config.xml in remote s
tore: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/breadcrumb/view.get.desc.xm
l due to error: 08110005 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/breadcrumb/view.get.config.xml in remote sto
re: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/display-items/edit.get.desc
.xml due to error: 08110006 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/display-items/edit.get.config.xml in remo
te store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/display-items/edit.post.des
c.xml due to error: 08110007 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/display-items/edit.post.config.xml in re
mote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/display-items/view.get.desc
.xml due to error: 08110008 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/display-items/view.get.config.xml in remo
te store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/flash-mp3/edit.get.desc.xml
due to error: 08110009 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/flash-mp3/edit.get.config.xml in remote store
: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/flash-mp3/edit.post.desc.xm
l due to error: 08110010 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/flash-mp3/edit.post.config.xml in remote sto
re: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/flash-mp3/view.get.desc.xml
due to error: 08110011 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/flash-mp3/view.get.config.xml in remote store
: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/html/edit.get.desc.xml due
to error: 08110012 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/html/edit.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco
-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/html/edit.post.desc.xml due
to error: 08110013 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/html/edit.post.config.xml in remote store: alfres
co-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/html/view.get.desc.xml due
to error: 08110014 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/html/view.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco
-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/image/edit.get.desc.xml due
to error: 08110015 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/image/edit.get.config.xml in remote store: alfres
co-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/image/edit.post.desc.xml du
e to error: 08110016 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/image/edit.post.config.xml in remote store: alfr
esco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/image/view.get.desc.xml due
to error: 08110017 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/image/view.get.config.xml in remote store: alfres
co-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/include/edit.get.desc.xml d
ue to error: 08110018 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/include/edit.get.config.xml in remote store: al
fresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/include/edit.post.desc.xml
due to error: 08110019 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/include/edit.post.config.xml in remote store:
alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/include/view.get.desc.xml d
ue to error: 08110020 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/include/view.get.config.xml in remote store: al
fresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/jw-player/edit.get.desc.xml
due to error: 08110021 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/jw-player/edit.get.config.xml in remote store
: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/jw-player/edit.post.desc.xm
l due to error: 08110022 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/jw-player/edit.post.config.xml in remote sto
re: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/jw-player/view.get.desc.xml
due to error: 08110023 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/jw-player/view.get.config.xml in remote store
: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/markup/edit.get.desc.xml du
e to error: 08110024 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/markup/edit.get.config.xml in remote store: alfr
esco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/markup/edit.post.desc.xml d
ue to error: 08110025 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/markup/edit.post.config.xml in remote store: al
fresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/markup/view.get.desc.xml du
e to error: 08110026 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/markup/view.get.config.xml in remote store: alfr
esco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/navigation/edit.get.desc.xm
l due to error: 08110027 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/navigation/edit.get.config.xml in remote sto
re: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/navigation/edit.post.desc.x
ml due to error: 08110028 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/navigation/edit.post.config.xml in remote s
tore: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/navigation/view.get.desc.xm
l due to error: 08110029 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/navigation/view.get.config.xml in remote sto
re: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/video/edit.get.desc.xml due
to error: 08110030 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/video/edit.get.config.xml in remote store: alfres
co-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/video/edit.post.desc.xml du
e to error: 08110031 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/video/edit.post.config.xml in remote store: alfr
esco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/components/common/video/view.get.desc.xml due
to error: 08110032 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: components/common/video/view.get.config.xml in remote store: alfres
co-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/index.get.desc.xml due to error: 0811
0033 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/index.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/index.post.desc.xml due to error: 081
10034 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/index.post.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/indexall.get.desc.xml due to error: 0
8110035 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/indexall.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to e
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/indexfailures.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 08110036 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/indexfailures.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/indexfamily.get.desc.xml due to error
: 08110037 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/indexfamily.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/indexlifecycle.get.desc.xml due to er
ror: 08110038 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/indexlifecycle.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webu
ser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/indexpackage.get.desc.xml due to erro
r: 08110039 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/indexpackage.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser
due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/indexuri.get.desc.xml due to error: 0
8110040 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/indexuri.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to e
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/jsdebugger.get.desc.xml due to error:
08110041 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/jsdebugger.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due
to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/jsdebugger.post.desc.xml due to error
: 08110042 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/jsdebugger.post.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/scriptdescription.get.desc.xml due to
error: 08110043 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/scriptdescription.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresc
o-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/scriptdump.get.desc.xml due to error:
08110044 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/scriptdump.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due
to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/scriptinstall.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 08110045 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/scriptinstall.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/scriptinstall.post.desc.xml due to er
ror: 08110046 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/scriptinstall.post.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webu
ser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/atomentry.post.desc.xml due to e
rror: 08110047 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/test/atomentry.post.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-we
buser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/bogustest.post.desc.xml due to e
rror: 08110048 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/test/bogustest.post.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-we
buser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/cmisfolder.get.desc.xml due to e
rror: 08110049 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/test/cmisfolder.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-we
buser due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/cmisrepo.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 08110050 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/test/cmisrepo.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error:
11:45:36,656 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/encodedsubmit.post.desc.xml due
to error: 08110051 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/test/encodedsubmit.post.config.xml in remote store: alf
resco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/exception.get.desc.xml due to er
ror: 08110052 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/test/exception.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webu
ser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/jsonecho.post.desc.xml due to er
ror: 08110053 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/test/jsonecho.post.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webu
ser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/requestbody.put.desc.xml due to
error: 08110054 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/test/requestbody.put.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-
webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/runas.get.desc.xml due to error:
08110055 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/test/runas.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due
to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/web/messages.get.desc.xml due to erro
r: 08110056 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: org/alfresco/web/messages.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser
due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/content/associations/associations.g
et.desc.xml due to error: 08110057 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/content/associations/associations.get
.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/context/setcontext.get.desc.xml due
to error: 08110058 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/context/setcontext.get.config.xml in remote store: a
lfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/importer/importer.get.desc.xml due
to error: 08110059 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/importer/importer.get.config.xml in remote store: alf
resco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/importer/statuscheck.get.desc.xml d
ue to error: 08110060 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/importer/statuscheck.get.config.xml in remote stor
e: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/login/login.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 08110061 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/login/login.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/model/get.get.desc.xml due to error
: 08110062 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/model/get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/model/list.get.desc.xml due to erro
r: 08110063 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/model/list.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser
due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/model/put.get.desc.xml due to error
: 08110064 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/model/put.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/page/associations/associations.get.
desc.xml due to error: 08110065 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/page/associations/associations.get.confi
g.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/prebuilt/list.get.desc.xml due to e
rror: 08110066 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/prebuilt/list.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-we
buser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/region/region-get.get.desc.xml due
to error: 08110067 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/region/region-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alf
resco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/regions/regions-get.get.desc.xml du
e to error: 08110068 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/regions/regions-get.get.config.xml in remote store:
alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/resource/sites.get.desc.xml due to
error: 08110069 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/resource/sites.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-
webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/resource/spaces.get.desc.xml due to
error: 08110070 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/resource/spaces.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresc
o-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/resource/webapp.get.desc.xml due to
error: 08110071 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/resource/webapp.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresc
o-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/site/create.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 08110072 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/site/create.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/template/absolutelayout/region/dele
te/deleteregion-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 08110073 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/absolut
elayout/region/delete/deleteregion-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/template/tablelayout/panel/delete/d
eletepanel-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 08110074 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/tablelayout/
panel/delete/deletepanel-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/template/tablelayout/region/delete/
deleteregion-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 08110075 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/tablelayou
t/region/delete/deleteregion-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/template/tablelayout/row/delete/del
eterow-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 08110076 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/tablelayout/row/
delete/deleterow-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/incontext/components.get.desc.xml due t
o error: 08110077 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/incontext/components.get.config.xml in remote store: alfre
sco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/comptree.get.desc.xml due to erro
r: 08110078 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/trees/comptree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser
due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/contenttree.get.desc.xml due to e
rror: 08110079 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/trees/contenttree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-we
buser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/navtree.get.desc.xml due to error
: 08110080 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/trees/navtree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/sitestree.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 08110081 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/trees/sitestree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/spacestree.get.desc.xml due to er
ror: 08110082 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/trees/spacestree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webu
ser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/content/associations/add/wizard
.get.desc.xml due to error: 08110083 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/content/associations/add/wizard
.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/content/associations/remove/wiz
ard.get.desc.xml due to error: 08110084 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/content/associations/remove/
wizard.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/editregion/wizard.get.desc.xml
due to error: 08110085 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/editregion/wizard.get.config.xml in remote st
ore: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/navigation/add/wizard.get.desc.
xml due to error: 08110086 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/add/wizard.get.config.xml in r
emote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/navigation/copy/wizard.get.desc
.xml due to error: 08110087 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/copy/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/navigation/delete/wizard.get.de
sc.xml due to error: 08110088 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/delete/wizard.get.config.xm
l in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/navigation/edit/wizard.get.desc
.xml due to error: 08110089 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/edit/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/page/associations/add/wizard.ge
t.desc.xml due to error: 08110090 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/page/associations/add/wizard.get.c
onfig.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/page/associations/remove/wizard
.get.desc.xml due to error: 08110091 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/page/associations/remove/wizard
.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/regionmanager/absoluteposition/
wizard.get.desc.xml due to error: 08110092 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/regionmanager/absolutepos
ition/wizard.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/regionmanager/tablelayout/wizar
d.get.desc.xml due to error: 08110093 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/regionmanager/tablelayout/wiza
rd.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/removecomponent/wizard.get.desc
.xml due to error: 08110094 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/removecomponent/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/site/config/siteconfig.get.desc
.xml due to error: 08110095 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/site/config/siteconfig.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/template/add/wizard.get.desc.xm
l due to error: 08110096 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/template/add/wizard.get.config.xml in remot
e store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/template/copy/wizard.get.desc.x
ml due to error: 08110097 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/template/copy/wizard.get.config.xml in rem
ote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/template/delete/wizard.get.desc
.xml due to error: 08110098 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/template/delete/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/template/edit/wizard.get.desc.x
ml due to error: 08110099 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/template/edit/wizard.get.config.xml in rem
ote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,703 WARN [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/wizards/template/tablelayoutmanager/wiz
ard.get.desc.xml due to error: 08110100 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/template/tablelayoutmanager/
wizard.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:45:36,812 INFO [web.site.FrameworkHelper] Successfully Initialized Web Framework
11/09/2009 11:45:37 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
11/09/2009 11:45:37 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 694984 ms
09-13-2009 08:47 PM
09-23-2009 05:33 PM
Problem still there with the latest nightly build (11-Sep-2009 07:06).
09-24-2009 08:11 AM
I can't even login to it, I am trying to figure out how to remove studio altogether.
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