08-28-2007 09:24 PM
09-24-2007 08:50 PM
09-29-2007 06:24 AM
Just thought this might be important to some of you.Due to the packaging of the naming-*jar files in the Alfresco war file it is not possible to get the java:comp/env context.
If you remove these jars things work as they would typically with Tomcat. Note – other things may break. I have discussed it with a few folks and the impact of removing these jars is that LDAP related functionality will break. I have not confirmed this.
10-01-2007 02:09 PM
10-01-2007 09:32 PM
Hi Russ,
I see that the links on Jira #1131 are not accessible anymore.
Is there a way to get JNDI patch.
I am currently using alfresco 2.0 as 2.1 version of email listener is still not out. And I see from forums that JNDI works fine on 2.0.
Can you please let me know how to get the alfresco-jcr-jndi-v5.zip.
Thanks very much,
10-02-2007 10:28 AM
If you are looking to push JCR in to JNDI and then pick it up with another application:
I think i can put this code up in the JCR-RMI area: If you are thinking about this here are some thoughts:
- You need to remove the JCR api from alfresco and put it in the shared classloader (you need to establish the JCR api as common to both apps)
- You need spring to push the JCR implementation up in to JNDI
10-02-2007 08:38 PM
10-03-2007 06:09 PM
10-10-2007 04:40 PM
10-11-2007 04:34 PM
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