i want to set List of users (productmanagers) as a variable. I want to reuse this variable for a multiinstance task which needs a collection. The collection should contain these users. I tried different possibilities but only get Exception:couldn't instantiate class. Does anybody know how to store a list as a process variable so i can use it as a collection in a multi-instance task?
Thank for your help!
public class IdentifyMembers implements JavaDelegate {
public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) {
String[] str_memberList = {"geschaeftsfuehrer", "controller", "hbl_it", "hbl_2", "prod_man_1", "prod_man_2", "auftraggeber_1"};
String[] str_productmanagerList = {"prod_man_1", "prod_man_2"};
List<String> productmanagerList = Arrays.asList(str_productmanagerList);
//first try
execution.setVariable("productmanagerList", CollectionUtil.singletonMap("productmanagerList", productmanagerList));
//second try
//Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
//map.put("productmanagerList", productmanagerList);
//execution.setVariable("productmanagerList", map);