>> What do you mean with import the provided model?
From the ActivitiExplorer … Processes/Model Workspace/Import
>> Why don't you directly deploy the process definition to the Activiti Engine via the Management section?
* Because I didn't know it was there. 🙂
I normally deploy immediately after editing in the Designer and the the "deploy" option is right there on "Model Workspace" so it didn't occur to me to look for another place to import or deploy a model.
>> The autoStoreVariables attribute is not part of this conversion yet so that's why you see this behaviour
Is this something you're recommending I always do, or is the problem strictly with the original model import?
Specifically, if I use activiti:autoStoreVariables="true", it sounds like I will need to adopt the following pattern when using the Designer:
1) Export model.
2) Edit file to restore attribute to "true"
3) Rename model file to remove the version numbers appended by OS (upload is restricted to .bar, .zip, .bpmn and .bpmn20.xml)
4) Switch to Manage
5) Deploy from Deployments/Upload New
Thanks for your support,