12-31-2016 01:23 AM
what could be the issue i get this error during installation on windows 10 using the latest release
<img src="http://uimg.in/images/2016/12/31/6PKdIFyL.jpg" alt="6PKdIFyL.jpg" border="0" />
01-03-2017 11:24 AM
01-03-2017 10:44 PM
Please try to specify localhost to or your ip address in the hosts( C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) file
01-05-2017 07:52 AM
localhost is already specified.....xampp is also running
01-05-2017 09:44 AM
you should install alfresco using Windows administrator account.
01-07-2017 03:25 AM
thank you for quick reply....when i in stall i run as an administrator....could the issue be pstgressql not communicating ?
01-05-2017 06:33 AM
this is another problem i get during installation.....after instalation .i have to enable all the services from manager windows.exe but still i cant able to login
i cant login
user: admin
password: admin
user: alfresco
i have also tried to # password from C:\alfresco-community\tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco-global.properties
but nothing works......any help?
01-05-2017 07:37 AM
This can happen if you path is not correctly setup.
What happen if you open a terminal and execute a "net" command in it?
01-05-2017 07:50 AM
thanks for reply..but how do i do that....i am running the setup as an executable...should it define the correct path?
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