01-31-2008 01:19 PM
02-04-2008 05:11 PM
02-06-2008 02:47 PM
02-06-2008 04:31 PM
02-10-2008 06:11 AM
02-11-2008 11:22 AM
<action id="my_action">
<permission allow="true">Write</permission>
<label>My Action</label>
<script>/Firmen Arbeitsbereich/Data Dictionary/Scripts/MyJavaScript.js</script>
<param name="noderef">#{actionContext.nodeRef}</param>
<action-group id="document_browse_menu">
<action idref="preview_doc" hide="true" />
<action idref="update_doc" hide="true" />
<action idref="cancelcheckout_doc" hide="true" />
<action idref="approve_doc" hide="true" />
<action idref="reject_doc" hide="true" />
<action idref="cut_node" hide="true" />
<action idref="copy_node" hide="true" />
<action idref="start_workflow" hide="true" />
<action idref="my_action" />
to insert this action in a menu with an icon of your choice. Please look at the web-client-config-actions.xml to find out more of the available menus.var noderef = args["noderef"];
var document = search.findNode(noderef);
var targetfolder = companyhome.childByNamePath("TargetFolderName");
if ((document != null) && (targetfolder != null))
// Copy current document to target folder
var copy = document.copy(targetfolder);
// Add aspect
// To do: eMail to somebody
var goBack = "<script>history.back();</script>";
02-12-2008 09:22 AM
var goBack = "<script>history.back();</script>";
var goBack = "<script>window.location.replace('/alfresco/navigate/showDocDetails/workspace/SpacesStore/' + copy.id);</script>";
02-19-2008 02:17 PM
To display the details page for your copied node try replacingvar goBack = "<script>history.back();</script>";
in you script with:var goBack = "<script>window.location.replace('/alfresco/navigate/showDocDetails/workspace/SpacesStore/' + copy.id);</script>";
"<script>alert('" + alertMessage + "');window.location.replace('/alfresco/navigate/showSpaceDetails/workspace/SpacesStore/" + dest.id + "');</script>";
but have been unable, as yet, to open the page in my javascript.
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