03-02-2015 11:13 AM
03-02-2015 12:31 PM
03-11-2015 02:55 AM
Alfresco.ObjectRenderer.prototype._generatePickerChildrenUrlParams = function …..(){}
var $html = Alfresco.util.encodeHTML,
$hasEventInterest = Alfresco.util.hasEventInterest,
$combine = Alfresco.util.combinePaths;
Alfresco.ObjectRenderer.prototype._generatePickerChildrenUrlParams = function ObjectRenderer__generatePickerChildrenUrlParams(searchTerm)
//Basically we wanted to sent the current site name to the repository.
siteId = Alfresco.constants.SITE;
//If the user is not in the Site context, read the value from the workflow hidden variable
if (siteId =="")
siteId = Dom.get('workflow_siteId').value;
//Don't do anything. If the object finder does not find anything, picker control will throw exception.
//site param is added. This is used to control group search in group review workflow
var params = "?selectableType=" + this.options.itemType + "&searchTerm=" + encodeURIComponent(searchTerm) +
"&size=" + this.options.maxSearchResults+"&siteId="+siteId;
// if an XPath start location has been provided and it has not been resolved
// yet, pass it to the pickerchildren script as a parameter
if (!this.startLocationResolved && this.options.startLocation &&
this.options.startLocation.charAt(0) == "/")
params += "&xpath=" + encodeURIComponent(this.options.startLocation);
// has a rootNode been specified?
if (this.options.rootNode)
var rootNode = null;
if (this.options.rootNode.charAt(0) == "{")
if (this.options.rootNode == "{companyhome}")
rootNode = "alfresco://company/home";
else if (this.options.rootNode == "{userhome}")
rootNode = "alfresco://user/home";
else if (this.options.rootNode == "{siteshome}")
rootNode = "alfresco://sites/home";
// rootNode is either an xPath expression or a nodeRef
rootNode = this.options.rootNode;
if (rootNode !== null)
params += "&rootNode=" + encodeURIComponent(rootNode);
if (this.options.params)
params += "&" + encodeURI(this.options.params);
return params;
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