I know that we can add or remove items which we want to show in title menus like, my-dashboard, Sites, People, Repository and More by configuring \tomcat\webapps\share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\share-config.xml. How can I create a direct link to an existing site MY-SITE , "….. href="/share/page/site/my-site/dashboard">MY-SITE</a>", in title menu bar ?
simply add a new <item> with type "link" pointing to the relative site dashboard URL "/site/<siteName>/dashboard" to the <header>/<app-items> configuration element.
Done. A new link is created to reach at site dashboard. Now, How can I give a condition for that link? Now all users, who all are not members of that site also will be able to access site dash board and then all features of that site. Want to avoid it with a condition like; condition="MySite-SiteUsers" How can create that condition?