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How do i disable Right Click/Save Image As on Site Wiki-Page

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
dear all,
how ya do I prevent users save as image / right click on the wiki page that I have created.
is there any extension or javascrip I can use to make it happen. please help ….

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

this isn't really an Alfresco-specific question, but relates to standard browser functionality. There are various threads in forums and stackoverflow, e.g. <a href="">how-do-i-disable-right-click-on-my-web-page</a>.
Basically, it is doable but just a nice exercise in futility because if a user wants to save the image, there are other ways to do it.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, Mr. Axel,

Thanks for the reply, the detail is I create a wiki - page in alfresco site . This site aims to allow users to actually read the contents of the product that is described in it. site contains a slide show fractional PDF files that have been converted in the form of an image. For users who are lazy to read, the user will do save as images and will read it when he has free time.
I want to prevent the user to save the image as / right click on the content of these wiki-page. I've tried your suggestion and have not produced results.
is there any other way to make it happen . I am a new user and not so adept at javascrip or xml scrip. sorry for the dumb question.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks All