I've created two folders in repository.(one in another) I've assigned custom folder level privilege for Main folder to a User and assigned another custom level privilege for Sub folder( within main folder )to same user. When I Click on Manage permissions within a folder of sub folder, I see same user with both folder and sub folder level permission.
I think you are missing something If you assign permission to subfolder you need to assign permission on higher level folder otherwise he will not be able to browse to perticular sublevel folder. Also one more thing there is checkbox inherit permission I hope you are aware about its significance.
I've already assigned permission to higher level folder as well as to subfolder. Permissions are folder level customized permissions. Problem is that when I click on Manage permissions within folder of subfolder I saw both higher level folder and subfolder with permission. I just want to see subfolder name with permission not the higher level ones.
When you invite a user or group to give access on particular folder. by default its takes it inherits Parent Space Permissions. There is a check box you have to uncheck that check to disable this permission. kindly refer to attached pic.