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Google Docs cannot save to alfresco

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hi All,

  <li>Linux (Ubuntu Precise, Ubuntu Quantal, Linux Mint Nadia)</li>
  <li>alfresco-community-4.2.b linux installer</li>
  <li>Tested with browser hitting port 8080 and with apache reverse proxy sitting in front of alfresco.</li>
  <li>All alfrescos are not directly accessible from the internet, only from the LAN.</li>

I have an alfresco 4.2.b instance which previously worked perfectly with Google Docs.  Recently I tested google docs again and, while the document will open in Google Docs, when I click on "Save to Alfresco", the save fails with "Failed to save Google Doc to Alfresco."

I thought it might be a problem with just that instance (installed WAR files into distribution tomcat), so I installed 4.2.b from scratch into separate virtual machines using the bundled installer.  Even with this fresh install however, saving in Google Docs fails the same way.

I've since tried on other alfresco installations (4.2.b, 4.2.c) and I get the same error in all of them. 

My client machines are Linux (tested with chrome and firefox).  In case it was a problem with my client, I tested on various other linux clients (some pristine virtual machines) and on a Windows 7 machine too.  Same error.

In case it was possibly due to the google account I was using, I switched to another free account.  That failed similarly.

Has anyone else seen this? How would I debug this?  I have

and have uncommented:

but I still see nothing in the debug logs.

Thanks in advance for any pointers.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thanks so much. You mentioned earlier that I had cross-installed the patches. Did I need to install both patches against both alfresco.war and share.war, or one to each, both on one etc…

Also (sorry to go off topic), I'm curious why the owner and grp settings for /opt/alfresco/tomcat/temp/Alfresco/2013/  would have somehow gotten set to root:root? It seems an oddly arbitrary place for the ownership to change. Everything above it in the hierarchy is set to me:me


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
They should be one for each.  repo*.jar to alfresco.war and share*.jar to share.war.  While there may not be anything detrimental with both installed in either war, both have functionality specific to that app and you never know if it actually might break something.

It could very well be a side effect of the alfresco-mmt tool breaking the permissions.  when it zips up the war file it may not be setting/preserving the permissions.  I've seen this in the past.  It might be good to open a ticket so that the engineers responsible for that tool can take a look at it.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
cool, I'll re-patch and re-load my server tonight, i'll see if i get the same permissions problems.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I got it working. I think I might have applied the share repo update to the alfresco repo by accident when I was installing both. I saw the lib in the webapps/alfresco folder with the new number so I didnt notice it before.

Thanks for your help. 

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

I have 4.2.c installed on a centos 6.4 linux system and the way that installed alfresco is with the bin file for it. I said yes to googledocs integration on the install.

Ok so! That being said. I have both the amp files that you gave a link for up above and I'm wondering are both those files installed automatically via the bin install?

alfresco-googledocs-repo-2.0.1-14.amp located at dir.root/amps   
alfresco-googledocs-share-2.0.1-14.amp located at dir.root/amps_share

The reason I'm asking this is I've been doing some testing on the google docs integration and it fails to save to alfresco. So I'm trying to trouble shoot where the problem could be.

Yes. Both of the files will be installed by the binary installer.  However…the version you should be using is 2.0.3-23.  This version is not currently provided by the binary installer.  Looking at the download page for 4.2c it appears that the change has been lost, so that it not longer points to the correct page.  This link should have correct versions.  I'll try to correct that.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Coolbeans thanks. Just to clarify I need both amp files and to install just follow the manual on it?

Edit: I installed the new amps and it now is saving to alfresco all is good….You have my permission to have the next two days off!

Correct.  And I have update the page to have the correct links again.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, i tried to install the patch for google docs, with success, but since i didn't find the instructions to install it correctly i want to ask if i followed the correct procedure:
i have to run the mmt on both amp files on both alfresco.war and share.war? 4 runs in total?
following this path worked but i want to know if i overloaded the war files.
i tried on a share version on a test server, the i tried to restore the previous war files(by rewriting the updated ones with the oldest backup) but this damaged the system, now i cannot log onto alfresco and restarting it has become extremely slower, i don't understand why.
While i'm trying to fix the test server i'd like to know what's the best way to follow next time on the other one.


Each amp is labeled for it's intended target.  repo == alfresco.war (which is the Alfresco 'repo'-sitory) and share == share.war.