Hi trademark.
Sorry, let me try again…
I have in my process two User Tasks.
When the complete event finish on the first one, the activiti engine automatically create a new task without assignee.
This task represent the second task.
My doubt come from this point.
How can and what is the best way to assign user or groups to the second task?
In my case, the formalExpression of second task contains the 0103 value representing my user group.
Today I getting this task using this code.
Task t = this.taskService.createTaskQuery().taskCandidateGroup(groupValue).singleResult();
Is this correct? There is another way to do this?
Trying another way, I install a task listener in second task on create event. When it is called, I do all necessary assignments to the
The general ideia is:
When activiti create the second task, it will automatically read the formalExpression of this task and make all necessary assignments.
Thank's for fast reply.
Best regards,