when providing the CIFS path I have found that it is important that the path used is to the share home folder level of the user logging in.
Example: Alfresco UserId "Alfred" has an alfresco home space on /User Homes/Alfred.
When mapping the USERS shared drive you need to provide:
\\yourserverA.what.ever.org\alfresco\User Homes\Alfred
then "use different user" in the drive mapping dialog …
User: Alfred
password: xxxxxx ( as set for alfred in alfresco)
It is VERY easy to get confused on this when first testing using the admin account that has privs everywhere,
but when you go into "okay now lets give it to a few friendly users" mode you cannot make it work for them and you get that jlan invalid device type message ( if you look in the log), and end up looking foolish to those you are trying to get going on the product.
When I get this wrong, to me, it is characterised by very long hangs to connect, (a minute or more) then eventual connection. This is followed by a dropped connection when you try to navigate ("explore") into a child folder in the windows explorer. This "half failed" result is problematic because it makes no sense at all.
The other clue on this is when you start hunting about for other user id's to authenticate with (PCNAME\Alfred
substitution for "Alfred" by windows when the connection fails leads one down this path very easily.)
( Opinion: This is simply a user hostile message when you consider the usage context in which it occurs: the device type is not invalid, the path is. The device "instance" might be invalid, but the type"? no way. Simply choosing to use the word "device" anywhere in this message provokes confusion. However it is not nearly as user hostile as the whole mess that is Microsoft's Drive mapping CIFS/SMB wizard versus WEBDAV wizards dichotomy around authentication. MS Active Directory only adds to the opportunities for grief and further misconceptions).