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Folders upload

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Is there a way to upoad a bunch of files into an space by selecting a folder in the windows explorer?

Uploading one file each time is not a good solution if you have thousands of them to be uploaded.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok, if I have understood it well It is:

1. Create a Space in alfresco
2. Access to that Space with any method described before.
3. Simply, I copy files and folders into that space.

And… Are you thinking in adding an option to alfresco web interface to do this? It would be more simple ¿no?

Thank you

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
In Alfresco 2.0 installation packet for Linux (Kubuntu):

I am trying configure the alfresco FTP server but I can not do it.

I am reading this information

but in the alfresco folder, there is not "WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\extension" folder and the file-servers.xml file has not any FTP Section…

How can I configure the alfresco ftp server to upload multiple files?

The FTP access is: ftp://alfrescouserSmiley Tongueassw@localhostSmiley Tongueort/what??

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
but in the alfresco folder, there is not "WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\extension" folder and the file-servers.xml file has not any FTP Section…

Your extension folder is in ALFRESCO_FOLDER/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/

Afterwards, just use your normal ftp client and connect to alfresco with the user you use to connect to the web interface. Your FTP client has to be capable to upload more that one files at once (like all common ftp clients do), there is no special configuration on the alfresco server to permit multiple upload.

the URL for accessing is :
ftp://alfrescouserSmiley Tongueassw@localhost/Alfresco/


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok, thank you 🙂

I added <port>NumPort</port> to FTP section (sorry, FTP section was there Smiley Surprisedops: ) for file


and I have connected with

ftp://alfrescouserSmiley Tongueassw@localhost:NumPort/Alfresco/

I had another ftp server installed in my computer using port 21.

Thanks a lot

  Smiley Very Happy

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The Alfresco repository supports FTP access - you can use an FTP client such as this free one here: to access folders in the repo and upload (or download) entire folder structures.

You can also use CIFS - this is the name to the network drive interface technology that Alfresco supports - basically you can access Alfresco as a shared network drive - such as \\servername and then copy your files/folders across just like you would using Explorer in windows.

Webdav is another inteface you can access something like this: http://servername:8080/alfresco/webdav - you can map a "web folder" to this address in windows and copy files into that.

>This applies to ver 2.0. right?
These interfaces have been present since 1.1…


Thanks, that's a little clearer.
Like aduniel I guess I was looking for these "interfaces" in the Alfesco "interface". When you used the term interface I thought you meant its GUI.  So then a bulk upload is not possible using the Alfresco GUI - I have to 'manually' transfer files to some folder in the Alfresco directory? Which folder(s) do I put them in?
I'm just trying Alfresco out so it is currently installed on my PC on C: and the files I want to add are on a network drive. So I have to map from my own PC to my own C drive?
Sorry for what probably seems to you like silly questions. If there's a better place to post, let me know.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The only need is that the files are reachable from your pc, so that your ftp client can read them to send them to Alfresco webdav, cifs of ftp interfaces.

So, the network folder must be mapped from your pc i think, and you'll be able to drag and drop its content to Alfresco through your client.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The only need is that the files are reachable from your pc, so that your ftp client can read them to send them to Alfresco webdav, cifs of ftp interfaces.

So, the network folder must be mapped from your pc i think, and you'll be able to drag and drop its content to Alfresco through your client.


OK, mapping a web folder was easy and I could copy and paste files. Note though when mapping, the Alfresco server had to be started. Since this workedI don't see a benefit to ftp files from a network drive to my own pc . thanks

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
If you're just trying to do a bulk import of a website to
bootstrap yourself,  just bundle it up as a war file:

  jar  -cvf  example.war  *

Then within a sandbox of your new web project, import it via:

    "create > bulk import"

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We are successful to make an web interface(http) which does the Multiple Upload in Alfresco other than CIFS and Webdav or ftp. It's a Applet Servlet combination. and also can add custom meta datas which are not inbuilt in Alfresco. If interested pl mail :idea:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello all,

I wanted to be able to upload many files to Alfresco but not using cifs, ftp or webdav interfaces. Can someone send me any solution for the multiple upload files in Alfresco? Does someone know how to do it?
