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Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
FlexSpaces+Browser is a RIA client for Alfresco that runs in browsers (FireFox, IE, Safari, Chrome, etc. with flash player).
FlexSpaces+AIR is a RIA client for Alfresco using Adobe AIR (with additional desktop drag/drop features).

Clients supported: FlexSpaces+Browser and FlexSpaces+AIR are supported on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Servers supported: Alfresco Enterprise Edition and Alfresco Labs/Community supported (2.1 - 3.x)


General Features:
    * Tree and single or dual folders views (doc lib and wcm)
    * Icon,Grid,Thumbnail and Coverflow view modes in doc lib, search, tasks, and wcm   
    * Drag/Drop/Cut/Copy/Paste with multiple selection (drag drop between dual folder views)   

    * Properties dialog, Upload multiple files dialog, download dialogs
    * Create Space dialog, Create content (html,xml, text) dialogs
    * Checkin, checkout, cancel checkout, edit, update existing
    * Make PDF, Make Flash Preview, viewing in tabs
    * Start Workflow, task dashboard, approve/reject
    * Advanced search (all web client features except for save search, custom attribute config)
    * Tag cloud and category tree search navigation, tags/categories view/edit dialog

    * Some XML configuration of menus, more configuration support in general coming

    * 5 page site Surf components are available for running views of FlexSpaces in Alfresco Share 3.0

AIR features
    * Native drag/drop/copy/paste of desktop files into doc mgt and wcm folders
    * Built-in local files view also with drag/drop into doc mgt / wcm folders
    * Making files (multiple selection) available offline, update from offline (single select)
    * Additional tab with built-in browser running Share 3.0 UI (or any web page)

Screenshots / Screencams
Share 3.0 Integration, Thumbnail View, CoverFlow View,  Advanced Search
Tagging, Categorization, WCM
General Features and AIR specific features
Additional Features:  Start workflow, Tasks dashboard tab, flash preview of office docs, dual pane drag/drop
Older Screenshots

Developer Features

FlexSpaces was developed with Adobe Flex 3 and ActionScript 3 on the clientside. ActionScript is now a more Java like and more object oriented JavaScript. Flex provides declarative layout in XML based MXML. (Also with Flex/Flash you don't have to worry about different browsers / different versions of browsers like you do with Ajax). FlexSpaces (+AIR and +Browser) source is available including FlexBulder3 project files. FlexSpaces can be customized, UI components and Cairngorm based events/cmds/delegates (non UI api)  from FlexSpaces can be used in other Flex applications.

On the serverside, a large library of RESTful JavaScript Web Scripts returning XML data was developed (source available). These web scripts can be used independently in any kind of application (Flex, Java, etc.) that can call REST apis.

License: GPL v3 (commercial also available)

FlexSpaces forge forum
Feature requests
Bug tracker

Previous FlexSpaces topic in Web Scripts forum

Integrated Semantics Blog:

Steve Reiner

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The latest FlexSpaces source is now in the SVN at

Includes things beyond the 0.6 release:
1. UI strings in resource bundles / properties files  (thanks to Nuno Barrocas / OKHA Networks)
2. Spanish translation (thanks to  Nuno Barrocas / OKHA Networks)
3. paging support in folder views, search results
4. play video component
5. FlexSpacesAir has browser tab for Share (or other web page)
   (note: for blog/wiki saving needs share in air final fix from 10/2/08, coming in alfresco labs 3c)
6. type arg added to uploadNew web script


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The latest source in the flexspaces googlecode project svn now has support for Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES in addition to regular Alfresco.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
FlexSpaces 0.7 released

1. UI strings in resources, Spanish translation (thanks Nuno Barrocas / OKHA Networks), German translation (thanks May Computer),
Japanese translation (thanks Tetsuya Suga). (Flexspaces currently only built with English set of resource bundles. source code has all four languages)

2.  The locale specific dir for a set of menu xml files to load can be configured (without recompile) by setting default-locale in alfresco-config.xml

3. Added paging support in folder views, search results

4. Added play video support (only avail from context menu, which is always enabled) will launch video in a new tab view
with play, stop, pause buttons

5. Added support for Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES

6. Added version history panel in DocLib view (not in WCM view) which shows versions of selected doc (if made versionable).
View / Version History menu toggles panel on/off

7. tree fixes (select by path not name), refresh when add or delete folder

8. friendlier error msg dialog (stack details collapsed down), Friendlier login error message.

9. Although mainly support flash 9.x player, did some testing with flash 10 player. Only issue: edit does checkout + download with
flash 9.x player. With flash 10.x player, edit will only do the checkout. Can still do the download as a  separate step with flash 10.x player.

10. Tested with released version of Alfresco Enterprise 3.0

11. FlexSpacesAir has added browser tab running Share (can also be used for running other web pages). Previously this feature was a separate experimental download


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
For the flexspaces share site page components, I had to modify one of the files in FlexSpaces 0.7 to get single view modes to work again.

Tested these components with the Share in the released Alfresco 3.0 Enterprise.

The built FlexSpaces.swf included with with
I just added to the forge has this change to flexspaces.

Also added an updated


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Something new on the way: FlexibleShare

Flex based version of Alfresco Share / Flex based Portal Container

registered a google code project
and  an alfresco forge project


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
HOWTO: Add support for Thumbnails and CoverFlow in FlexSpaces on Alfresco 2.x and  Adobe LiveCycle Content Services ES using the Thumbnails project from the Alfresco Forge


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Sneak peak video look at some features coming in the next release of FlexSpaces:

"Here is a sneak peak video of semantic auto-tagging and multiple semantic tag clouds coming in the next release of FlexSpaces+AIR / FlexSpaces+Browser. This uses the Calais Integration Alexander and I have been working on, the Open Calais service, and Alfresco. The Calais integration auto-tag action can also be used from the "run action" UI in the Alfresco web client (now called Explorer)."

"Things in the works: Flex UI for tag suggestions, storing URIs in the integration for future linked data use, storing geo-location info from Calais 3.1, and map UI to display geo-location points to filter search results."


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Liferay + FlexSpaces + Alfresco,  with screencam video demo, how to setup instructions:

I just tried a quick test of running FlexSpaces+Browser in  a Liferay IFrame portlet.  It worked! All features of flexspaces worked:
   Doc library, search, tasks, wcm views
   Drag/drop of files between dual panes, internal cut/copy/paste between spaces
   File upload, File download, file viewing, preview, play video
   Checkin, checkout, edit, cancel checkout, upate, make versionable, version history panel
   Icon, thumbnail, grid list, cover flow view modes
   Search, advanced search, tag cloud, category navigation
   Create space, propertes edit, tags/categories edit
   Make pdf, make flash, start workflow
   Coming flexspaces 0.8 features using Calais integration (auto-tag, manual semantic tag properties edit, multiple semantic tag clouds)


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

New blog post  with screencam video  of FlexSpaces 0.8 (which is ready for release). This new screencam shows auto-tagging, semi-automatic tag suggesting,  multiple semantic tag clouds, and automatic geo-location tagging (displayed on a google map). It uses the Calais Integration  forge project for Alfresco  and the Open Calais service.

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