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File upload from Web Service can not be searched ?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I upload a file "A01-200704.xls" unto space "/company_home/upload" through web service, this file can not be search by PATH:\"/app:company_home/cm:upload/cm:A01-200704.xls\". But if I upload this file through Add Content of Alfresco admin browser page, it can be searched, i think there should be some aspect or attribute lost when uploading file through web service, can somebody help ? Thanks a lot.

   // Start the session
        AuthenticationUtils.startSession("admin", "admin");
          String[] files = { "A01_200704.xls" };
           // Create a reference to the parent where we want to create content
            Store storeRef = new Store(Constants.WORKSPACE_STORE, "SpacesStore");
            ParentReference companyHomeParent = new ParentReference(storeRef, null, "/app:company_home/cm:upload", Constants.ASSOC_CONTAINS, null);

            RepositoryServiceSoapBindingStub repositoryService =WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService();
            ContentServiceSoapBindingStub contentService =WebServiceFactory.getContentService();
            NamedValue[] contentProps = new NamedValue[1];
            NamedValue[] titledProps = new NamedValue[2];
            CML cml = new CML();
            Query query = new Query();
          for(String fileName : files ){
             // Assign name
             companyHomeParent.setChildName("cm:" + fileName);
             contentProps[0] = Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.PROP_NAME, fileName);
                //Construct CML statement to add titled aspect
                titledProps[0] = Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.PROP_TITLE, fileName);
                titledProps[1] = Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.PROP_DESCRIPTION, "Financial report through JobServer");
                CMLAddAspect addAspect = new CMLAddAspect(Constants.ASPECT_TITLED, titledProps, null, "1");
                query = new Query(Constants.QUERY_LANG_LUCENE, "PATH:\"/app:company_home/cm:upload/cm:" + fileName + "\"");
                ResultSet rs =repositoryService.query(storeRef, query, false).getResultSet();
                if(rs.getTotalRowCount() > 0){ //file already exist, then, delete it and create a new one
                   ResultSetRow[] rsRows = rs.getRows();
                   System.out.println("Removing file " + rsRows[0].getColumns(1).getValue()); //show file name
                   Reference reference = new Reference(storeRef, rsRows[0].getNode().getId(), null);
                   Predicate predicate = new Predicate(new Reference[]{reference}, null, null);
                   CMLDelete delete = new CMLDelete(predicate);
                   cml.setDelete(new CMLDelete[] {delete});
                System.out.println("Creating new content …");
                //create content
                // Construct CML statement to create content node
                // Note: Assign "1" as a local id, so we can refer to it in subsequent
                //       CML statements within the same CML block
                CMLCreate create = new CMLCreate("1", companyHomeParent, companyHomeParent.getUuid(), Constants.ASSOC_CONTAINS, null, Constants.PROP_CONTENT, contentProps);
                // Construct CML Block
                cml = new CML();
                cml.setCreate(new CMLCreate[] {create});
                cml.setAddAspect(new CMLAddAspect[] {addAspect});
                // Issue CML statement via Repository Web Service and retrieve result
                // Note: Batching of multiple statements into a single web call
                UpdateResult[] result = repositoryService.update(cml);
                Reference content = result[0].getDestination();
                // Write some content
                //ContentServiceSoapBindingStub contentService = WebServiceFactory.getContentService();
             FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream("E:/Uploads/Anytime/" + fileName);
             byte[] bytes = ContentUtils.convertToByteArray(is);
             ContentFormat format = new ContentFormat("application/vnd.excel", "UTF-8");
             // Write the content
             contentService.write(content, Constants.PROP_CONTENT, bytes, format);
        }catch(Throwable e){
            // End the session

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

From a quick visual inspection of the code I think the problem lies with this line ..

    companyHomeParent.setChildName("cm:" + fileName);

The web service API always expects QName's to be in their fully expanded string form.  It will not understand what to do with prefixed QNames.

Try modifying that line of code to read ..

   companyHomeParent.setChildName("{}" + fileName);


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Also make sure , you are specifying correct content type Ex: html/text for text. Look into valid content types. If you dont specify content type, then alfresco doesnt know how to search.