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External Auth and Sharepoint

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Does Sharepoint (VTI server) support the header based external auth as specified in the authentication chain? I have Alfresco and Share set up to do External SSO through OpenAM. All of that is working fine except for Sharepoint. It always asked for login even when I force the header to be set for a certain user.

I even tried to do
curl -v https://pathSmiley Tongueort/to/doc -H "SsoUserHeader: user"

and I still get 401 not authorized error. Any suggestions to make this work? Do i need to setup Passthru in parallel to external auth just for Sharepoint? I can configure OpenAm against Jetty, but I do not know how to edit the embedded Jetty server or what good that would do. 

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Anyone have any insight on this?

External and Passthru conflict with each other when put in the Authentication chain. (Even though external is there it still prompts for login) So it is not working to have login for just the Sharepoint part.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I got a little further with external + passthru by turning off NTLM SSO. So now my credentials at least work through Office. However now I cannot upload the document. I assume this has something to with the fact I clicked edit online (checked out) with the external user and I am trying to save with the passthru user (same user id with LDAP sync working in the background).

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Debug from trying to save from Office:

15:34:51,191 DEBUG [org.alfresco.module.vti.web.VtiFilter] User was authenticate
d successfully
15:34:51,191 DEBUG [org.alfresco.module.vti.web.VtiFilter] Return VTI answer for
LOCK request
15:34:51,191 DEBUG [org.alfresco.module.vti.web.VtiRequestDispatcher] Dispatchin
g request, URI path: /alfresco/swsdp/documentLibrary/Meeting%20Notes/Doc1.docx
15:34:51,191 DEBUG [org.alfresco.module.vti.web.VtiRequestDispatcher] Find appro
priate action by specific rules
15:34:51,191 DEBUG [org.alfresco.module.vti.web.VtiRequestDispatcher] Action fou
nd for request
15:34:51,191 DEBUG [org.alfresco.module.vti.web.VtiRequestDispatcher] Execute ta
rget action: VtiLockAction