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External access to manage task page

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I would like to access the manage task page of an advanced workflow from an external link in another application: I mean the page we get to when following the links in "My Tasks To Do" dashlet.

An example can be a link in a notification email that is sent to a user asking him/her to perform a given task.

It seems that this feature is not available in Alfresco 1.4; how would you suggest me to proceed? I was thinking of extending ExternalAccessServlet…

or… is this actually available and I missed it?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
This is not available in 1.4 or 2.0. We have added REST url support for several important dialogs etc. in Alfresco 2.1, including the task dialog. It could be done by extending the external access servlet, it is a little tricky as you need quite a lot of context information on the URL and you also need to setup a number of client beans correctly with the context before launching the dialog. The code to do this is available now in SVN HEAD, the class is called

Hope this helps,


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Do you mean something like this url:
for example:
I have problem with this, because it does not work if I am not logged into system  :?
I tried use something like /alfresco/navigate/dialog/manageTask but it does not work. What is wrong? Can anybody give any example of such url?