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Extending input types of Service Task attributes in Modeler

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am referring to the Activiti Modeler powered by KIS BPM.
I can extend the Service Task by editing the stencilset.json in WEB-INF/lib/classes ( explains how to do this).

But I need to extend the input method for an attribute. Consider "Class" attribute in the Service Task. It now allows to specify a class in a text box. But what I need to implement is an external web interface, so a user can search through a list of classes and choose a class rather manually typing it. Is this possible with existing extension mechanisms in Modeler?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
That's possible, but not by just editing the stencilset.json. The type of the class-property will no longer be "string", but will be a complex type. You'll have to add some code the the oryx-javascript, to render a custom editor for that specific type of property, in your case, showing a popup-box that does all the calls to the service. This requires javascript-coding and some digging into the oryx-internals.

Thanks aot.
I was able to get this done.