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Evaluating activiti

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello at all,

we ware evaluating activiti as a possible BPM-Engine for our company. I searched this forum very carefully (and other sources as well), but there are still some questions unanswered. I hope, that someone could help me.

1.) Upload attachments to forms: we want to create forms with the ability to upload attatchments directly in the form (file upload element). I searched this forum and read this post : According to this answer, uploading files without manuell coding is not possible. My question is: Is there any progress? Is it maybe possible in the meantime?

2.) Fill forms with data from external datasources: Is it possible to create dynamic forms? This means that we can e.g. create a dropdown-menue in a form with values queried out of a DBMS or a web-service?

3.) Is it possible to simulate a process with given parameters in Eclipse?

Best regards

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hi Ben,
3.) Is it possible to simulate a process with given parameters
yes, I work on the workflow simulation engine. It is not based on eclipse designer. This simulation engine simulates whole activiti BPM platform instead of one process definition.

Is it possible to create dynamic forms?

create a dropdown-menue in a form with values queried out of a DBMS or a web-service?
We are using rest webservice calls to get values for drop down menu. We implemented it in our product edoras-one


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
hi ,

just sharing my experience,
I'm facing the same issue regarding question no 1 and 2.
To solve the issue  i create my own 'Activiti Explorer' using  Grails Framework.
My application now is already in production.
i deployed Activiti-REST as standalone server .
My application deployed in same tomcat server.
to solve issue no1 i create dynamic form that support upload attachment.
File attachment save in the servers folder. Naming convention used to manage folder . using prosesinstance id as folder name.
to solve issue no2 i create customized java task to populate variable in activiti  from external data source.
there are  parameter sent to java task.
like  db driver, server db name,sql query.