12-15-2016 07:22 PM
Hello everyone,
I am trying to install the Alfresco Audit Analysis and Reporting Plugin (A.A.A.R.) version 4.5 on Pentaho 7.0 and I get an error.
Reviewing the error log shows the following line:
2016-12-15 17:16:42,054 ERROR [org.pentaho.di] 2016/12/15 17:16:42 - Abort job - ERROR (version, build 1 from 2016-11-05 15.35 .36 by buildguy): Plugin did not contain ID
Please, I would like to know how to solve this problem. Or be able to know how to install old versions manually.
Thank you very much.
03-23-2017 09:01 AM
Thanks Francesco
I also wanted to know if there is a way to send a parameter from Alfresco to my report. For example:
I'm on the site A in Alfresco and I click in Documents Report in my AAAR Dashlet. When I see the report, theres only data of the site A because the name of the site was send as a parameter to my report.
I know how to create reports with parameters but I wanted to know if there was a way to send a parameter from Alfresco to the report so when I open my report, I won't have to chose a site from the combo box with all the sites .
03-23-2017 12:33 PM
Nice question.
And the answer is positive.
I mean:
The Pentaho dashboards (developed using the Pentaho CTools, in particular using the CDE tool) are called directly using an URL.
In the URL you specify the dashboard and you can optionally specify the parameters.
This feature is extremely powerful if you want to "drill down" data from one dashboard to another or if you want to create a customized user experience. In your use case, the source is Alfresco (you can use for example the value for a property) and create a customized user experience into a target dashboard.
To have some examples you can take a look directly into the AAAR source code for Dashboards.
I frequently use this approach and it works perfectly.
As alternative you can check into the Pentaho forums: what you are trying to do is a regular use of the Pentaho Dashboards.
04-11-2017 04:17 PM
Hello Francesco,
I also wanted to know how this can be done in a particular case.
I have a report(AAAR_Menu.report.bibliotecaArchivos) that needs to change parameters depending on which site it is called, I have looked into the AAAR source code for Dashboards and made this changes to the AAAR.get.js file, especially on the getAnalyticGroupSettings function:
function getAnalyticGroupSettings(dashletConfig, groupType) {
if (typeof dashletConfig != "xml") {
return [];
var result = [];
for each (var link in dashletConfig.link)
var siteName=Alfresco.constants.SITE;
var posF=siteName.lastIndexOf("/");
var posI=siteName.indexOf("site")+5;
result[result.length] = {
type : groupType,
icon : link.@icon.toString(),
label : link.@labelId.toString(),
url : link.@url.toString().concat("?sitio=",siteName),
groups : link.@permits.toString().split(",")
result[result.length] = {
type : groupType,
icon : link.@icon.toString(),
label : link.@labelId.toString(),
url : link.@url.toString(),
groups : link.@permits.toString().split(",")
return result;
As you see i wanted to get the current site name via an Alfresco constant but when i run Alfresco this error appears: 03110001 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/com/fcorti/AAAR/components/dashlet/AAAR.get.js': 03110000 ReferenceError: "Alfresco" is not defined. (file:/C:/Alfresco/tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/com/fcorti/AAAR/components/dashlet/AAAR.get.js#15)
I think the issue is that i am trying to get data that is within client-side Javascript and using it on a server-side Javascript, but really i do not know how to do it.
Thanks a lot
04-13-2017 02:17 AM
Hi Oscar,
Really interesting use case.
My suggestion is to leave the AAAR.get.js as is, because in this way you modify the whole application to manage a particular case.
Instead, are you aware you can pass a parameter directly to the dashboard?
AAAR is full of these examples.
My suggestion is to define the call, with the parameter included, directly on the Aflresco side, and the n everything will be transparent on the Pentaho side.
If you want to see an example, check the Audit dashboard... it where the parameters are used during the navigation (but you can find a lot of example in there).
I hope it helps.
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