Hi folks,I'm struggling with an encoding issue in my FTL template. The letters are not encoded with UTF-8 but they should. Maybe someone can help me with this?Via webscript I fetch some data from the database and return a JSON. The JSON already contains the data with the different encoding (for example: windows-1252). Now I want to display the values from the JSON in my FTL template in a table. The result is shown in "image_1.jpg". But if I open the affected document with the Alfresco standard Web-GUI the name will be displayed as expected (see attached "image_2.jpg"). I don't know how I can prepare my FTL template that the data will be displayed correctly as in the Web-GUI too. This proves me that there is a chance to get it displayed with the correct encoding. So, what is still missing?I've tried already to specify the following statements on the beginning of my template:
<#ftl encoding='UTF-8'>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
But it seems that it has no effect. To display the value, there is nothing special implemented. I only read the parameter from the JSON map and put it in a usual HTML table tag. Nothing fancy:
Does anyone still has an idea? Do I miss somehting that should be imported in my FTL? The only imports I have in my ".get.head.ftl" are:
<#include "/org/alfresco/components/component.head.inc">
<@script type="text/javascript" src="${page.url.context}/res/components/console/consoletool.js"></@script>