11-16-2005 12:47 PM
11-17-2005 05:36 AM
DownloadContentServlet.generateBrowserURL(node.getNodeRef(), node.getName());
11-17-2005 10:21 AM
11-21-2005 06:18 PM
11-21-2005 06:34 PM
I wrote a simple portlet to try to prove the concept that things will work well, but I've hit a snag and I can't seem to find a way around it.
I've chosen, for reason of simplicity, to go with building the URL for the portlet like the one we see on the preview page. With that I've written the following sample code:
public class CMSViewPortlet extends GenericPortlet {
protected void doView(RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse)
throws PortletException, PortletSecurityException, IOException {
//Set the required content type. We're expecting to render text/html in this case.
//setup the request dispatcher and pass it the URL init parameter value found in portlet.xml
final URL url = new URL(getPortletConfig().getInitParameter("url"));
final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
final PrintWriter out = renderResponse.getWriter();
while(in.readLine() != null) {
Well I definitely get information back from Alfresco, the problem is that I get the login page, not the content. So the content is protected, which is fine in some cases, but we need to have the content be public and not have anyone need to log in to see this particular content we're working on.
Further if there is protected content, how do we get around having users sign in to our portal and yours?
I'm using a base jboss portal install with our own theme, so I'm not doing anything way out of the ordinary.
Any clues and help would be greatly appreciated.
11-21-2005 07:35 PM
11-22-2005 04:49 AM
11-22-2005 10:06 AM
11-22-2005 01:55 PM
11-22-2005 02:39 PM
Ok, I looked at the examples and that lead me to a couple of questions. The example for JCR seems to presume that I am running this test in the same webapp since it's looking for the spring app context definition files in the classpath.
Our setup would be such that the webapps may or may not be on the same machine, or even same server container. So Alfresco would be in one location and the jboss portal in another.
Given that possiblity, do I still use the JCR API? From what I can tell right now, we'd need to run the portal and Alfresco integrated in the same web app to use the JCR because I don't see a way to get at the Repository object remotely (I'm still reading about JCR).
Any direction you can point me in would be extremely helpful.
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