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Disabling/Hiding default folder creation options in Create... menu in document library

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Hi Folks,

Is there a way to disable/hide default folder creation options in Create… menu under Document Library ?? The requirement here is to have a custom folder option rather than default one. I am not able to find a way to do this. Please help


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Yes, we can customise it.
The existing settings are present in,
You need to remove the below part.

<content id="folder" label="create-content.folder" icon="folder" index="5" type="javascript">
            <param name="function">onNewFolder</param>

You need to place the attached file in the web-extension folder.

Thanks for your reply. I will try it out.

Want to clarify with you something. I read somewhere on the forum which I am not very clear about, it was written that for this purpose we should create an extension module disabling the onNewFolder funcion. I was not able to understand how to do that but your solution looks pretty straightforward where you override out-of-the-box with your custom one rather than going through the extension way. Which is the correct way ?? Please help me understand.

Again thanks a lot for taking time out and replying.

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I believe you're referring the below URL for the module extensions.
I have used module extension for extending / overriding alfresco Share OOTB webscripts.

For your requirement, you can use this approach. If I found module extension approach, I will share here.

Hi Murali,

I tried your solution but it is not working. I placed the file under web-extension folder and named it share-documentlibrary-config.xml and commented out the onNewFolder content tag but I am still able to see the Folder creation option in Create… menu. Should the file be placed under <strong>web-extension –> extension</strong> folder and is the file name share-config-custom.xml as provided by you in attachment or the one that I have provided ??

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The file name should be
under web-extension directory.

Hi Murali,

I tried your solution again but it's still not working. I saw one strange thing though, in the Create… menu all the options(other than the default folder option) got doubled, like xml file option, html file option.

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Sorry, I missed one thing.
. At this attribute in the
file, refer attached.

<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocumentLibrary" replace="true">

Hi Murali,

The solution is working perfectly. Thanks a lot. I would like to ask some question around this, it will be great if you can provide me with the answers/link to them.

1. Why the file name is chosen as share-custom-config.xml. It is confusing as I have same file for my custom types under META-INF.
2. I copied the code in my META-INF/share-custom-config.xml rather than web-extension/share-custom-config.xml and it worked the same way. Which is the appropriate way ??
3. It's a bit too much Smiley Happy… but can you give me a high level view on how the folder creation option is working. I am reading blogs and documentation simultaneously but it would be great if you just provide the high-level description.

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If you want to customise the Alfresco share then you need to place the files under web-extension.
Please look at the below link, then you will understand, why I have used, share-config-custom.xml

To learn more about, Alfresco share customisation, please refer the below links.