06-17-2006 01:12 PM
Map myModel = new HashMap();
myModel.put("prop1", "foo");
<r:template id="t6" template="alfresco/templates/my_test.ftl" model="[b]?????[/b]" />
The value of prop1=${prop1}
06-19-2006 07:03 AM
<r:template id="t6" template="alfresco/templates/my_test.ftl" model="#{mybean.model}" />
Where mybean is declared in the "WEB-INF/faces-config-custom.xml" file and model binds to a getter method called getModel() on the bean. Take a look at BrowseBean or similar for examples of this pattern.06-19-2006 01:13 PM
public Map getTemplateModel() {
HashMap model = new HashMap(1, 1.0f);
// retrieving ref from the request
String nodeRef = [request.getParameter("….")]
model.put("documentRef", nodeRef);
return model;
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