01-19-2010 12:08 PM
12-14-2010 01:44 PM
I was having the same problem with my custom document type. No actions were showing up once I moved the file from DM to RM. I followed the instructions above and added my custom type to the switch statement so that it would fall through. Like this..case "ciha:doc":
// Fall-through
case "rma:nonElectronicDocument":
// Fall-through
case "cm:content":
if (asset.hasAspect("rma:record"))
now my actions show up, but when I click on Edit Metadata only my custom properties show up for me to edit. I can't edit the required RM properties and therefore can't declare my document a record. It seems as if it is using my custom DM form template instead of using the RM form template (and adding my custom properties, which is what I would expect). Is there a proper way to fix this.
I suppose I could add all of the RM properties to my share-config-custom.xml, so that if it is a record they will show up, but that seems like a hack. Any ideas?
03-03-2011 10:58 AM
<aspect name="oais:MODSDigitalObjectAble">
<title>MODS Digital Object aspect</title>
<property name="mods:modsDigitalObjectIdentifiers">
… more properties …
<child-association name="oais:MODSDigitalObjectAssoc">
<title>Link to MODS Digital Object</title>
<type name="oais:MODSDigitalObjectType">
<title>MODS Digital Object</title>
<show id="oais:MODSDigitalObjectAble"/>
case "oais:MODSDigitalObjectType":
// Fall-through
Exception: freemarker.template.TemplateException - Error executing macro: renderField required parameter: field is not specified.
08-15-2011 02:31 PM
04-04-2012 05:12 AM
<config evaluator="node-type" condition="cm:content">
<config evaluator="node-type" condition="custom:invoice">
<form id="rm">
<view-form template="record-metadata.ftl" />
<edit-form template="record-metadata.ftl" />
<!– explicitly hide mandatory fields we don't want in edit mode –>
<hide id="cm:automaticUpdate" />
<hide id="sys:node-dbid" />
<hide id="size" for-mode="edit" />
<hide id="rma:dateFiled" for-mode="edit" />
<hide id="rma:cutOffDate" for-mode="edit" />
<hide id="rma:frozenBy" />
<hide id="rma:frozenAt" />
<set id="rm-custom" label-id="label.set.customMetadata" appearance="panel" />
<field id="rma:identifier" label-id="label.recordIdentifier" read-only="true" />
<field id="rmCategoryIdentifier" label-id="label.categoryIdentifier" />
<field id="rmDeclared" label-id="label.declared" />
<field id="rmRecordType" label-id="label.recordType" />
<field id="rmDispositionInstructions" label-id="label.dispositionInstructions" />
<field id="rma:recordSearchDispositionActionAsOf" label-id="label.dispositionAsOfDate" />
<field id="cm:title" mandatory="true">
<control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textfield.ftl" />
<field id="cm:description">
<control-param name="activateLinks">true</control-param>
<field id="mimetype">
<control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/mimetype.ftl" />
<field id="size">
<control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/size.ftl" />
<field id="dod:webSiteURL">
<control-param name="activateLinks">true</control-param>
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