Hello, I have created a custom aspect which works fine. But as we are located in Germany I need to add the German translations of the aspect name and properties which are displayed in the web client (content details, rule wizard). The German language package 3.2 is already installed but I can't find the proper way to add my translations. After spending quite some time with searching I now would really appreciate a helping hand. Thanks a lot.
you can add the custom aspect in the web-client-config-custom.xml and define a display-label: <config evaluator="aspect-name" condition="mymodel:customAspect"> <property-sheet> <show-property name="mymodel:customProperty" display-label-id="mymodel_customproperty" show-in-edit-mode="true" /> </property-sheet> </config>
and add the translation in the weblient.properties file for your language, e.g. webclient_de_DE.properies with:
I have one question related to this. Is there a way to extend the translations without having to touch the original webclient_de_DE.properties from the translation amp? Could I create my own webclient_de_DE.properties in a self-hosted amp-project to hold our own custom translations? Otherwise we will face an upgrade problem later on, having to copy-paste all new texts into the upgraded language pack.