Have you done any work with applying custom appearances to xsds?
basically, how it works is that you have to define a custom appearance (i.e., a new <widget> node in web-client-config-wcm.xml) that will point to your custom dojo javascript class. The new javascript class is added to xforms.js. For syntax, take a look at all of the out of the box <widget> nodes and how they point to a javascript class. Then find that class in xforms.js to see how it is defined.
That's the basic layout of the files.
It'll look something like this:
<widget xforms-type="xf:select1" appearance="mycustom2" javascript-class-name="alfresco.xforms.ComboboxSelect2" />
to web-client-config-wcm.xml
and then add:
alfresco.xforms.ComboboxSelect2 = alfresco.xforms.AbstractSelectWidget.extend({
to xforms.js
I'm still working on the specific logic of my widget, but that's how you incorporate them into alfresco. I fully agree that alfresco's documentation & existing forum posts are quite lacking.
let me know how that works for you.