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Copying Content

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Like most people, I want to be able to cut, copy, and paste content from one space to another within the same Web project.

Even more so … I want to create a bunch of content in one web-site, and I wanted to copy that content to another web poject within WCM.  

As we create one piece of content within a web project, I was examining the node in the node browser.   This is important to us, because when we create content under a web-project … to that content … that becomes the owning site of that content.   When we show that content in the web-site, we'll have special rules for it.

We'd like to copy that content to another folder in another web-project … but creating it as an association to the original content … NOT as a new piece of content.   That would be great for us.   Under this new web project, because it is NOT the owning site, then we would display it differently.

Is this possible?  can we do this with an action?  Is this functionality built in?    Can we do a simple copy (or cut) and paste with content?   I keep seeing content put into the clipboard … and it says I can use the More Actions to paste all, but I can't find it.

Thanks for any help!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Like most people, I want to be able to cut, copy, and paste content from
one space to another within the same Web project.

ven more so … I want to create a bunch of content in one web-site,
and I wanted to copy that content to another web poject within WCM.

Is this possible?  can we do this with an action?  Is this functionality built
in?    Can we do a simple copy (or cut) and paste with content?   I keep
seeing content put into the clipboard … and it says I can use the More
Actions to paste all, but I can't find it.

Yes, this is pretty much all possible.

The clipboard, though, is hidden by default, and the
'More Actions' menu referred to by the message you have seen
does not seem to be available under 'Web Projects'!  :cry:

What you need to do, is to display the clipboard so that you can
use it directly: assuming that your configuration is fairly standard,
you should see the caption 'Navigator' at the top of the box (called
the 'Shelf', I think) on the left of your screen, just below the
Alfresco logo.  Activate this link to drop down a menu, and select
'Shelf'from the menu'to change the contens of the LH box.

Now you should be able see the clipboard and to use it directly.

We'd like to copy that content to another folder in another web-project …
but creating it as an association to the original content … NOT as a new
piece of content.   That would be great for us.   Under this new web
project, because it is NOT the owning site, then we would display it

You can create a link to a piece of content by copying it to the clipboard
and then pasting a link from the clipboard.  It doesn't seem to be possible
to do this with content copied from a Web project, however, and I don't
know how links pasted into Web Projects behave.  You'll need somebody
from Alfresco to explain the implications here, I expect.

Thanks for any help!

You're welcome.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
If you copy and paste an item via the Clipboard from one web project to another, it is treating as a new, unassociated asset in the destination web project.

In the repo, however, we do support the notion of a layered file.  You can think of a layered file as a symlink - if the underlying source ever changes, your web project view of that file is instantly updated.  In this way, the files are closely associated - one is just a projection or "layered view" of the first.

Unfortunately, the clipboard today does not let you copy as paste a file or folder as a layered file or directory.  However, if you'd like to take a stab at updated our Clipboard implementation to support this capability, we'd love it if you would open a JIRA feature request, attach our custom implementation, and we can than test and QA and add this capability to future distros.

