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copy-move-to Custom Action

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi, I am trying to implement the action copy-move-to with a little addition - when the user selects the folder he wants to copy the document to and clicks Copy the document should be copied into a folder with the same name (or partial name) of the document. The folder should be created when the the document is copied. I am new at this and have no idea how to realize this.
Can someone explain or at least give me some directions?
I tried looking for all the files that are included in the action, but could not find them all. I am working with Maven.
I would really appreciate any kind of help.

Thanks in advance

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

The quickest way to do that would be create a repo action in Java and make it accessible in Share using onRepoAction.
Jeff potts blog gives good details about how to do that.

Thank you for replying Smiley Very Happy.
I had an idea to modify the move-copy-to action so when the Copy button is clicked, folder is created and the file is copied into that folder. I think I know how to do it using Java backed code, it's just that I wanted to use the form of the copy action. Do you know how is this done?
Thanks Smiley Very Happy