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Content Modeling Parsing Error ( 02084835)

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'm very new to Alfresco so please bear with me. I have created a Content Model and am trying to install it for dynamic deployment by adding it into the Data Dictionary/Models page of Alfresco Explorer.

When I set the model to active in the Modify Content Properties page and select "OK", to do so, I get the following error message:
"Error  Please correct the errors below then click OK.
    A system error happened during the operation: 02084835 Failed to parse model"

Searching online yields no results. So the question is either how can I verify the correctness of the content model before trying to make it active, or how do I debug/interpret this error so that I can find out what is wrong with the model?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You could start by adding your model to your posting above.   Or you could validate it against the xsd

And have you checked the log file?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for the quick response.
With regards to logging, exactly where do I find the logs? I can find the tomcat logs but can not find the alfresco.log file anywhere. Is there something that I am missing in how to ensure that the logging is actually enabled?

With regards to validation against the schema, I tried to validate in Oxygen 13.2 but the schema itself fails validation with a UPA (Unique Particle Attribution) error in xerces as follows: "Description: cos-nonambig: "':mandatory and "':mandatory (or elements from their substitution group) violate "Unique Particle Attribution". During validation against this schema, ambiguity would be created for those two particles.", I didn't think that correcting the error in the schema would be prudent as I'm assuming that the app deals with that in some fashion.

The content model is below. It is a modified version of the kb.xml content model from the book Professional Alfresco (Caruana, Newton, et al). The kb.xml example model activates just fine.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!–                              –>
<!– EFiling Filings Content Model –>
<!–                              –>

<model name="efile:contentmodel" xmlns="">
   xsi:schemaLocation=" file:/C:/Alfresco%20Code/book-website-chapters-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/chapter05/modelSchema.xsd">
   <!– Metadata about the model –>
   <description>EFiling Filing Event Content Model</description>
   <author>URL Integration</author>

   <!– Imports are required to allow references to definitions in other models –>
        <!– Import Alfresco Dictionary Definitions –>
      <import uri="" prefix="d"/>
      <!– Import Alfresco Content Domain Model Definitions –>
      <import uri="" prefix="cm"/>

   <!– Define the URI and Prefix for this content model –>
      <namespace uri="" prefix="ef"/>

   <!– Define constraints –>
      <!– Ensures that one of the allowed values is assigned –>
      <constraint name="efile:attachmenttype_constraint" type="LIST">
         <parameter name="allowedValues">

   <!– Content Types –>
      <type name="efile:space">
         <title>Lake County Efiling Document Management System</title>

      <type name="efile:FilingDocumentAttachment">
         <title>Document Attachment</title>
            <property name="efile:AttachmentCategory">
               <title>Attachment Type</title>
                   <constraint ref="efile:attachmenttype_constraint"/>
      <type name="efile:FilingDocument">
         <title>Filing Document</title>
            <property name="efile:DocID">
               <title>Document ID</title>
            <property name="efile:CMSID">
               <title>Document CMS ID</title>
            <property name="efile:SequenceNumber">
               <title>Sequence Number</title>
            <property name="efile:DocumentType">
               <title>Document Type</title>
            <property name="efile:DocumentSubType">
               <title>Document Type</title>
            <child-association name="efile:documentAttachments">

   <!– Aspects –>

      <!– Marks a content item as a KB Article –>
      <aspect name="efile:FilingEvent">
            <!– Adds a new metadata property to the KB article –>
            <!– Constrains the value –>
            <property name="efile:CaseNumber">
               <title>Case Number</title>

            <child-association name="efile:eventDocuments">



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Getting the logging going was a separate problem that also helped partially, but that's another story.

It turns out that somehow I had an older and invalid version of the model that I was originally trying to validate against. Using the version of the schema that was installed identified the error in the content model.

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
          <namespace uri="" prefix="ef"/>

In above section replace "ef" with "efile"
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