07-09-2013 05:45 AM
09-17-2013 04:38 AM
12-17-2013 06:10 AM
12-17-2013 07:03 AM
03-08-2018 05:06 AM
Hi matvieira _,
I need your help for CAS SSO integration with Alfresco. please help out.
03-08-2018 05:12 AM
There a project at GitHub - wrighting/alfresco-cas: A project designed to show how to integrate Alfresco with CAS singl... which shows how to integrate CAS.
It's a bit dependent on which version of Alfresco you are using - it works with 5.1, if you want 5.2 then have a look at the issue Not working with 5.2 · Issue #3 · wrighting/alfresco-cas · GitHub which tells you want to do for 5.2
03-08-2018 05:32 AM
03-09-2018 04:26 AM
You can get the amp files from the github project - because you are using 5.2 you will need to checkout the branch ACE-5661 and build it yourself.
Note that because this replaces the share web.xml, which is not recommended, there are no prebuilt amps available - if you can't build the amp then you probably shouldn't be replacing the web.xml - it's a very crude way to make sure that you know roughly what you're doing...
10-09-2018 10:47 AM
i find alfresco 5.0.c config with cas 5.0.x, any help plz?
10-10-2018 03:03 AM
You should be able to deploy the released amp(s) from the project mentioned above for 5.0.c and follow the instructions in the README
(share is required, platform optional)
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