Hi, I'm posting this just to help new users of Activiti like me;I faced non-persistent (h2 db is dropped and re created every time when I started demo) in activiti 5-10 (and this issue is not present in activiti 5-9) which I solved after wasting my full day. Solution is here http://forums.activiti.org/en/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4688. I also couldn't find a proper step by step guidance to change the default h2 to mysql except this link http://forums.activiti.org/en/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3496&p=14118&hilit=mysql#p14118 but I still faced problems so I want to add a couple of more steps in the solution for the new users.step 00: install mysql and create a database named activiti using the following command;create database activiti;
step 01: make sure the file: {activiti-home}/setup/build.db.properties has the contents like belowdb=mysql
jdbc.username={mysql username, mine is "root"}
jdbc.password={mysql password, mine is "root"}
step 02: create sql filejust need to duplicate the file h2.data.sql in directory: {activiti-home}/setup/files/demo
and change file name to mysql.data.sqlstep 03(optional: I didn't try it): if you want to use the custom tomcat instead of the default tomcatopen the file {activiti-home}/setup/build.propertieslook for download.dir entry and change the value to the directory which contains file apache-tomcat-{your-version}.zipstep 04: copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar (latest for me) to the listed directory below:{activiti-home}/setup/files/dependencies/libs
step 05: add the following line to the path {activiti-home}/workspace/activiti-engine-examples/.classpath<classpathentry kind="lib" path="libs-runtime/mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar"/>
step 06: modify the listed text files below to add "mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar":- {activiti-home}/setup/files/dependencie/libs.engine.test.txt
- {activiti-home}/setup/files/dependencie/libs.webapp.explorer.txt
- {activiti-home}/setup/files/dependencie/libs.webapp.rest.txt
step 07: modify the following file {activiti-home}/setup/build.xml
+ looking for the target demo.start and delete(delete or disable are also suitable) the depends: h2.start+ looking for the target demo.install and comment out the following tags:<antcall target="h2.install" /><antcall target="h2.start" /><antcall target="h2.stop" />step 08: To change the database that Explorer uses in the demo setup, change the properties file {activiti-home}apps/apache-timcat-6.x/webapps/activiti-explorer/WEB-INF/classes/db.properties
new contents should bedb=mysql
jdbc.username={mysql username, mine is "root"}
jdbc.password={mysql password, mine is "root"}
Also, place "mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar" in the path, {activiti-home}apps\apache-tomcat-6.0.32\lib/
step 09: run ant demo.install and then ant demo.startAll tables should have been created in mysql along with the demo data. Check activiti database in mysql to confirm.I hope that you don't waste your full day to fix these things. Enjoy!Salman