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Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
hi all..
when i done any configurations on web-config-custom.xml the privious configurations are not working..
could you people give me answer for this..

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
could you post your web-client-config-custom.xml file?
may be you are not putting config tags properly.
Also when you say previous configuration you are talking about OOTB  configuration or your custom configuration?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
really thank you for your reply..
I am adding my own cutom is my web-client-config-cutom.xml file..
check my xml file and give me a suggestion..and can u help me in adding my own menu items to alfresco…
thanking you…



    <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Content Wizards"> 
    <type name="ci:claimintimation" /> 
    <config evaluator="node-type" condition="ci:claimintimation"> 
    <show-property name="ciSmiley TongueolicyHolderName" /> 
    <show-property name="ciSmiley TongueolicyNumber" />
    <show-property name="ci:dateofBirth"/>
    <show-property name="ci:addressForCommunication" /> 

    <!–<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Content Wizards"> 
    <type name="z:employee" /> 
    <config evaluator="node-type" condition="z:employee"> 
    <show-property name="z:empID" /> 
    <show-property name="z:empCity" />  
    <show-property name="z:joinDate" /> 

    <!–  add webable aspect properties to property sheet –>
    <config evaluator="aspect-name" condition="sc:webable">
         <show-property name="scSmiley Tongueublished" display-label-id="published" />
         <show-property name="sc:isActive" display-label-id="isActive" read-only="true" />

   <!–  add product related aspect properties to property sheet –>
   <config evaluator="aspect-name" condition="scSmiley TongueroductRelated">
         <show-property name="scSmiley Tongueroduct" display-label-id="product" />
         <show-property name="sc:version" display-label-id="version" read-only="true" />

   <!– show related documents association on doc property sheet –>
   <config evaluator="node-type" condition="sc:doc">
         <show-association name="sc:relatedDocuments" />

   <!– show related documents association on whitepaper property sheet –>
   <config evaluator="node-type" condition="sc:whitepaper">
         <show-association name="sc:relatedDocuments" />
   <!–  add someco types to add content list –>

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Content Wizards">


         <type name="sc:doc" />

         <type name="sc:whitepaper" />

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Action Wizards">
       <!– The list of aspects to show in the add/remove features action –>
       <!– and the has-aspect condition –>   


         <aspect name="sc:webable"/>

         <aspect name="scSmiley TongueroductRelated"/>


      <!– The list of types shown in the is-subtype condition –>
         <type name="sc:doc" />
         <type name="sc:whitepaper" />

      <!– The list of content and/or folder types shown in the specialise-type action –>
         <type name="sc:doc" />
         <type name="sc:whitepaper" />


   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Advanced Search">
            <type name="sc:doc" />
            <type name="sc:whitepaper" />
            <meta-data aspect="sc:webable" property="scSmiley Tongueublished" display-label-id="published" />
            <meta-data aspect="sc:webable" property="sc:isActive" display-label-id="isActive" />
            <meta-data aspect="scSmiley TongueroductRelated" property="scSmiley Tongueroduct" display-label-id="product" />
            <meta-data aspect="scSmiley TongueroductRelated" property="sc:version" display-label-id="version" />            

      <!– Launch Add Aspect Dialog –>
      <action id="add_aspect">
         <label>Add Aspect</label>
      <!– Add action to more actions menu for each space –>
      <action-group id="space_browse_menu">
         <action idref="add_aspect" />

     <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="cm:folder icons">
      <icon name="space-icon-custom" path="/images/icons/space-icon-custom.png" />
     <icon name="space-icon-custom" path="/images/icons/another-custm-icon.png"/>

         <!– <config>

        <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Views">
      <!– the views available in the client –>
         <!– default values for the views available in the client –>
               <!– allowable values: list|details|icons –>


Hi Sunitha,
Can you please attach your web-client-config-cutom.xml file ?

i will place my web-client-config-custom.xml file…please give me suggestions…

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You can't attach xml file, so convert into .txt file and attach it.

Hi murali..
i converted into txt file and paste it.but it can't visible in the forum..
how to paste my code into the forums..
and i have a doubt about taggingsample in the sdk..rule based action was not showing the error message liki this..

Please correct the errors below then click Finish.

    Failed to run Actions due to error: 01210021 A value for the mandatory parameter tags has not been set on the rule item tag

could you please help me..

After converting into text file , please attach it. Don't paste it in the forum reply.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
hi ..
i converted my file into txt file and i uploaded but it's not visibled in forums..
please help me in getting the solution of sdk taggingsample…

when i executing the add tags to item it showing the error as mandator parameter tag has not set on the rule item…


Hi Sunitha,
Which version of alfresco you're using?  or the SDK version, please.